Tag Archives: nutrition

Health & Fitness

When we think of exercise, it involves activity. Whether it may be physical or mental activity depends on what we want to achieve with it.
You can train your brain with mental activity by solving a cross-word puzzle or trying to solve a mathematics problem. However, the type of exercise I like to discuss will be physical activity.

Physical activity is one of the four aspects of lifestyle, which have a major influence on our health and well being. The other three are: nutrition, stress, and synthetic chemicals. Nevertheless, half the Australian population doesn’t have adequate exercise and one in eight adult is totally sedentary.

Being fit does wonders for the working of our bodies and minds, for our attitudes and moods and for the prevention of degenerative diseases and early aging. The evidence for benefits in relation to heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure are overwhelming. More recent evidence confirms that there are benefits also for the prevention of adult-onset diabetes, osteoporosis, colon cancer, anxiety and depression.

In contrast to these benefits, sedentary living may be responsible for as much as one-third of the fatal cases of heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes.

When we analyze the large number of benefits which are responsible for being fit, it’s easy to get motivated to get started with activity, or to keep it up, whatever the case may be.

We have to keep in mind that it is important for any physical activity that it
should be enjoyable, otherwise there is a big change that we discontinue sooner or later. It is important to think of fitness as part of normal health and part of our normal life, not just an eccentric hobby. It may surprise you that only a small amount of regular physical activity can make the difference between a body which is sluggish, lethargic, lacks tone and is overweight and one which is energetic, fit, trim and good looking.

Walking is the best exercise you can have, because it’s natural. Good long brisk walks give a lot of benefits- the whole body begins to respond. You breath properly, your circulation and heart benefits, and it’s good for the mind and positive thinking.
It’s only in recent years that fitness gurus have recognized the supremacy of brisk walking. In contrary to jogging, brisk walking provides a lot of benefits without any problems. Walking is almost as important as the right food. You need to eat properly and exercise properly, the two together gives you the best results.

The internal organs of the body need tone and for this most of them depend almost entirely on physical activity. As we breathe deeply, the diaphragm – which separates the chest from the abdomen – rises and falls repeatedly, massaging all the internal organs, particularly the stomach, small intestine, bowel, lungs and liver. The stretching and relaxing of the intestines is vital in preventing that wide spread form of ‘self poisoning’ : constipation. Exercise does keep you regular!

Physical activity has many health benefits. I’m not going into details about
the health benefits of exercise, you can read all about it in my article: “Fitness”.

Sufferers from rheumatism and arthritis, also those who are overweight,
are prone to take too little exercise. When people are troubled with
rheumatic twinges it is usually a sign that more exercise is needed and
that their diet contains too many acid-forming foods.

Forms of exercise

Forms of exercise is a matter of personal preference.
While exercise programs often vary from person to person based on fitness levels and goals, each one should include aerobic exercise, resistance – and flexibility training.
Those components will help you improve your fitness level and help you overcome obstacles that challenge your agility, balance, coordination, endurance and strength
in everyday life.

Skipping is an effective form of exercise, and one of the best exercises
for keeping fit and is very suitable for wet days, as it can be done indoors.
The skipping rope should be just long enough to clear the head, when standing erect. Five minutes skipping every day is
adequate for the first week, increasing gradually to ten, fifteen and finally twenty minutes.
During bad weather it is best to skip at an open window, or better still, under a veranda.

Generally speaking, when we grow older we should take less strenuous exercise than when we were younger. Walking and gardening are safe exercises for almost all ages. Tennis could perhaps better be left to younger people, although here and there one finds elderly people playing tennis with all the vim and gusto of youth. These people have usually ‘grown up’ with the game and accustomed themselves to what is normally a strenuous form of sport.

Swimming, like walking, is very suitable for older people, although they are advised to keep to the slower back and breast strokes, rather than the
more tiring modern strokes. Swimming has the advantage that the body’s weight is partly supported by the water, which makes it possible to exercise without straining oneself or damaging a muscle.
We do not recommend exercise as a method of reducing weight, for this is
most disappointing.
Exercise will reduce weight temporarily, but the appetite thus acquired will rapidly put weight back again.

The physical beauty of a man or a woman is due largely to the quality and
shapeliness of the muscles. Properly developed muscles which in repose do not bulge, but are smooth in contour and firm in appearance, giving a pleasing and attractive outline, which was obviously part of nature’s plan! Only fitness and good health can achieve and maintain the body beautiful!

I like to mention that I have developed an exercise program that can benefit
young and old people, busy people and retired folks.
It’s just a matter of choosing which exercise fits you best.

I have included in my program how to exercise, warming-up exercises,
aerobics, weight-bearing exercises and nutrition for athletes, which is also important.

Nutrition: The Key to Fitness


The key to fitness is nutrition and everyone of us has previously ‘lain in his own platter’.
We are mainly what we eat and, in the words of Cervantes, ‘the stomach carries the heart and not the heart the stomach.’

It is true that exercise, restful sleep, peace of mind, regular habits of elimination, bathing, etc., are all factors in keeping fit, but these will avail us nothing if our nutrition is at fault.

Modern research scientists no longer regard germs as the primary cause of disease, and their study of the body’s chemistry and the part played by nutrition in health and disease, is opening up important new vistas of research.

It is now recognized that most common illnesses are closely associated with nutrition and arise from lack of vitamins and minerals, just as some more serious ailments, which where dominant in the old days, such as scurvy, rackets, anaemia, beri-beri, pellagra, and nerve trouble are equally deficiency ailments, and respond to appropriate vitamin therapy.

Periodically, new and successful uses of vitaminss in diseased conditions are reported in the world’s medical journals and more and more physicians are prescribing vitamins instead of drugs.

Many people wonder why the terrible epidemics which formerly ravaged the earth – typhus, yellow fever, typhoid, cholera, malaria, etc. -have largely brought under control, yet the degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, stomach ulcers, nervous breakdown, colitis, cataract, and kidney and liver ailments are all on the increase.

The reason is that the plague or ‘dirt’ diseases, spread by vermin, mosquitoes and human contact, are disappearing owing to improved methods of hygiene and sanitation.

The degenerative diseases arise primarily from man’s continual tampering with natural foods, thereby depriving them of vital nutrients that Nature, in her wisdom, incorporates in our foodstuffs to ensure good health.

It is a tragic commentary on these times that most people only begin to take an intelligent interest in their health, after they have lost it. Nature requires that we co-operate with her, and we cannot escape the consequences of our refusal to do so. Postponement merely increases the severity of such consequences.

You can read more about nutrition by visiting my blog post: Phytonutrients, compounds
from the garden.  Also: Facts about Healthy Foods

Tips on How to Lose Belly Fat

Many people like to know how to lose belly fat.
If you are one of them, I like to introduce you to Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist,
Certified Personal Trainer and owner and author of Truth About Abs.com, the #1 rated
Abs program on the Internet, and several other popular fitness and health Websites.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is the #1 ranked Abdominals ebook in the world
(as ranked by clickbank.com) with over 539,000 readers in 163 countries to date.

He is also the co-author of the newest best-selling nutrition program called:
The Fat Burning Kitchen:Your 24-Hour Diet Transformation
to Make Your Body a Fat Burning Machine.

And his newest creation is a delicious new manual he co-authored that you also
won’t want to miss if you care about protecting your body from aging:
The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging – 101 little-known foods, herbs, spices, teas,
nutrients, and dozens of other anti-aging tricks to protect your skin, organs, muscles,
and joints from aging, so you can look and feel 10 years YOUNGER than your age.

His passion is to show you how to eat delicious food and still get super lean.
He dedicate himself to constantly staying up-to-date on new and innovative
training strategies, as well as the latest nutrition tips in order to pass this
valuable information on to you, his reader, and help improve the quality of your life.

You can also find plenty of his various fitness tips related to exercise, nutrition,
building muscle, lose belly  fat, reducing stress, and living a healthier and happier life at his Six-Pack Abs Fat Loss Blog.

Mike is a well-known expert who deals exclusively with the most effective strategies for how to lose belly fat so that you can finally uncover those elusive six pack abs
that everyone desires.

Some of Mike’s strategies deal with nutrition aspects and others deal with
training techniques, but I was impressed to see that Mike has put together one of the most comprehensive resources for dealing with all of the aspects necessary to finally get rid of that nasty belly fat for good.

The key is that Mike focuses on the REAL techniques that are going to get you
lasting results, and teaches you how to avoid all of these “quick-fix” scams and gimmicks that are all over the infomercials and the internet these days.

Several of the mistakes that Mike sees every day where people are going wrong in their fat loss attempts are:

1. Most people are wasting too much of their time doing hundreds of reps of ineffective crunches, sit ups, and other “abs pumping” exercises in their attempt at losing stomach fat.

Mike has discovered that there are certain highly effective exercises that stimulate your metabolism much better, and increase your fat burning hormone levels much more.

These exercises that Mike outlines are the best of the best for getting a lean, chiseled body.

Surprisingly to most, the majority of these most effective exercises for stomach fat loss are NOT “abs-specific” exercises .

Not only that, but Mike shows you how to combine and sequence them to get the best metabolic and fat loss results possible, changing the shape of your entire body.

2. Most people are wasting way too much time doing hours upon hours of boring monotonous cardio routines.

Mike has researched this topic extensively, including an entire course he’s taken comparing different modalities of cardiovascular exercise.

After all of this research, he came to the conclusion that the majority of people out there are not doing the right types of cardio exercise.

In fact, most people may actually be inadvertently decreasing their metabolic rate by doing too much of the wrong types of cardio!

The strategies that Mike reveals in his program go beyond “interval cardio” too.

3. Most people are failing miserably with fad diets.

Mike reveals exactly why most low-carb or low-fat diets are actually working against what your body needs to become lean and ripped and maintain it for life!

Mike shows you exactly how to stop falling for the gimmick diets and finally develop a truly healthy eating style that you can actually enjoy for life without being overly restrictive. It’s actually easier and more enjoyable than you may think!

Mike’s system will show you how to lose belly fat that has plagued you for years, so you can finally get that sexy six pack that you’ve always wanted.

Here’s the site: https://nutrobalance2.net/6-pack-abs

Don’t forget to visit Mike’s site today, as he’s giving away some great free bonus reports and other tools that might not be available much longer.



P.S. Try the best selling “Truth about Six Pack Abs” program for FREE. for 21 Days!
Visit: https://nutrobalance2.net/6-pack-abs

Good Nutrition Tips #2

Are your body cells getting the nutrients they need in order to work optimally?
Good nutrition and regular exercise are the basic components for healthy living.

Our modern lifestyle is characterized by degenerative diseases, like stroke, cancer,
heart disease, diabetes, arthritis etc. The cause of all this is the build-up of free radicals,
which are caused by smoking, stress, lack of exercise, bad nutrition, pollution in air and
water, radiation from the sun and soil depletion.

To combat these free radicals our body needs a large intake of antioxidants.
If there are not enough antioxidants available to  neutralize the free radicals,
“oxidative stress” will occur. It’s the process by which the oxygen our body use,
cause the body to rust like metal does. It’s the cause of all degenerative diseases and
even the aging process.

We can get  antioxidants out of  fruits, vegetables and nuts. However, it is unpractical
and almost impossible to get the required amount of antioxidants out of our diet alone.
The nutritional value of our fruits and vegetables has enormously declined in the past
50 years, caused by soil depletion.

So in order to get a sufficient amount of antioxidants we have to supplement our diet
with high quality nutritional supplements.
However, the nutrients have to be in a form that the cells can accept them and the cells
have to be in optimum condition to be able to absorb the nutrients.

These are the keys to successful nutrition and two often overlooked facts.
That’s why most nutritional supplements miss the mark.
They don’t address the cellular condition of the body.
Even worse, many are in a form that is unacceptable for the cells themselves and they
don’t contain biological available substances that are useful for the cells in your body.

There is however one remarkable exception: the nutritional supplements designed and
manufactured by USANA Health Sciences
USANA is the only company that guaranties potency, the ingredients are bio available,
well balanced, and they work together in synergy.

For information about nutrition, multivitamins,and weight management,
visit my website: https://www.nutrobalance2.net

The Need for Supplementation

Never before has the need for supplementation been greater than in our present time.

The connection between good nutrition and long term health is beyond dispute and backed by a wealth of scientific evidence.What we eat and how we eat effects our health on the long term.

Our diet fails in supplying the essential nutrients we need for optimum health.We have put good nutrition on the backburner and as a result our diet fails to provide even the minimum levels of nutrients that we need for long term health. Only 9% of people consume the five daily servings of fresh fruit and vegetables recommended by the National Cancer Institute. Until the 1940’s,farmers used to practise crop rotation and returned essential nutrients back into the soil by mulching,manuring and churning. Because of growing population and industrialization it was no longer possible to grow crops that way. So the farmer use large farms and make use of artificial fertilizers. But crops can’t make their natural insect repellents with artificial fertilizers,so the farmer has to use chemical pesticides, which are sprayed on the crop and fruits and when we consume those fruits and veges,those chemical pesticides accumulates in our body and causes diseases.

Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies, which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our food come,are brought into proper mineral balance.The alarming fact is that fruits and vegetables now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals, are starving us, no matter how much we eat.In other words, we cannot get the necessary nutrients out of our food. 96% of the US population dies of a degenerative disease, like cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer disease etc. Over 65% of American adults are overweight or obese (20%-25% of children). We are not even getting the minimum of RDA levels of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. The RDA levels were designed in the early 1920’s and 1930’s as minimum requirements of TEN essential nutrients to protect against acute deficiency diseases,like Scurvy (deficiency of vit.C), Rickets (deficiency of vit.D) and Pellagra(deficiency of niacin)

The RDA’s did a good job to eliminate Scurvy and Rickets, but consuming the RDA’s will not even come close to helping prevent a degenerative disease and our EPIDEMIC health stats prove that. To protect us against degenerative diseases we need OPTIMUM LEVELS of nutrients. Just to make a comparison between the RDA levels and Optimum levels: The RDA level for Vit.C is 60mg.However the Optimum level is 1300mg.
The RDA level for vit.E is 15IU. But the Optimum level is 450IU’s(IU stands for International Unit).
The RDA level for vit.D is 200IU’s,but the Optimum level is 600 IU’s. To be able to get the Optimum level of vitamin C(1300mg) out of our food, we have to consume 17 medium kiwifruits or 16 medium oranges daily, which is unpractical. So what’s the solution? We have three choices:
1. do nothing and pay the price.
2. become an old fashion farmer.
3. take a 1st. grade supplement.

It’s been scientifically proven that there are substantial health benefits in taking nutritional supplements.
The benefits of nutritional supplements are scientifically verified over the past two years.Hundreds of scientific studies have proved that nutritional supplements can significantly reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.

Supplements provide a convenient and effective means of achieving good nutrition every day for a lifetime. Chronic degenerative diseases are not diseases of old age.Heart disease starts at childhood. It appears prudent for all children and adults to take vitamin supplements.

For information about nutritional supplements, please visit: http://www.nutrobalance.usana.com