Good Nutrition Tips #2

Are your body cells getting the nutrients they need in order to work optimally?
Good nutrition and regular exercise are the basic components for healthy living.

Our modern lifestyle is characterized by degenerative diseases, like stroke, cancer,
heart disease, diabetes, arthritis etc. The cause of all this is the build-up of free radicals,
which are caused by smoking, stress, lack of exercise, bad nutrition, pollution in air and
water, radiation from the sun and soil depletion.

To combat these free radicals our body needs a large intake of antioxidants.
If there are not enough antioxidants available to  neutralize the free radicals,
“oxidative stress” will occur. It’s the process by which the oxygen our body use,
cause the body to rust like metal does. It’s the cause of all degenerative diseases and
even the aging process.

We can get  antioxidants out of  fruits, vegetables and nuts. However, it is unpractical
and almost impossible to get the required amount of antioxidants out of our diet alone.
The nutritional value of our fruits and vegetables has enormously declined in the past
50 years, caused by soil depletion.

So in order to get a sufficient amount of antioxidants we have to supplement our diet
with high quality nutritional supplements.
However, the nutrients have to be in a form that the cells can accept them and the cells
have to be in optimum condition to be able to absorb the nutrients.

These are the keys to successful nutrition and two often overlooked facts.
That’s why most nutritional supplements miss the mark.
They don’t address the cellular condition of the body.
Even worse, many are in a form that is unacceptable for the cells themselves and they
don’t contain biological available substances that are useful for the cells in your body.

There is however one remarkable exception: the nutritional supplements designed and
manufactured by USANA Health Sciences
USANA is the only company that guaranties potency, the ingredients are bio available,
well balanced, and they work together in synergy.

For information about nutrition, multivitamins,and weight management,
visit my website: