Monthly Archives: May 2015

USANA Nutritionals

So why do we even need Nutritional Supplements?
You’ve probably heard this all before, but did you know that most people don’t eat
the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables on a regular basis?

This means that most of us aren’t getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals
from our diet alone. The truth is, our busy lifestyles encourage us to choose meals
that are ‘quick and easy’ over those that are high in nutritional value.
Also, what most people don’t know is that our body is constant bombarded by
“free radicals”, from stress, pollution etc., causing oxidation in our body.
Like an apple turns brown from oxidation, so also our body, damaging our body cells.
This results in degenerative diseases.
To counteract this effect, we need lots of antioxidants, which we find mainly in our
fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately, because of modern farming techniques, and
soil depletion, this is not enough.
So we have to supplement our diet with high quality nutritional supplements,
which we can get from USANA Health Sciences.
They are bio-available. That means: our body cells absorb the nutrients for 100%.
They are potency guarantied and manufactured according to pharmaceutical standards.
To order USANA products, visit

Health & Nutrition 17 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   17th Edition
Mind and Body Balance
use stretching postures, breathing and
meditation techniques to calm the emotional state
and tone the body.
read it all….
Your guide to nutritious and delicious autumn eating


6 Tips to Recover from Your Workout Like a Pro
The Natural Dangers of Free Radicals
Free radicals occur naturally. The body produces them when it generate energy.
From the transformation of oxygen you breathe, into water, 1% turns into free radicals.
White blood cells also generate free radicals purposely, in order to heal invading bacteria & micro-organisms. Unfortunately, these free radicals also damage healthy tissue.

read it all…
Recipe of the Day – Broccoli salad With smoky bacon
More Health & Nutrition from Nutrobalance
USANA Nutritionals

Mind and Body Balance

What is Yoga?
Yoga is thought to date back to at least 3000BC originating from India.
To the untrained eye, Yoga seems to comprise a series of strange
Physical postures which people hold for what at times seems an eternity.
However, Yoga is said to be much more than that.

It is one of the oldest systems of personal development in the world,
encompassing body, mind and spirit. The word Yoga comes from the Sankrit
word meaning ‘union’, and it symbolises the harmonisation of body with
the mind. It is often referred to as a therapy that incorporates
therapeutic breathing, physical movements, massage, meditation and

Mel Genovese from the Energy Therapy Center says that “Yoga utilises
stretching postures, breathing and meditation techniques to calm
the emotional state and tone the body.’

During a Yoga class, postures (or asanas) are held and performed slowly
and meditatively. This is combined with deep abdominal breathing
(or pranayama) to further promote relaxation and healing.

Proper breathing in Yoga is considered essential as it brings more
oxygen to the blood and brain and also facilitates vital energy,
leading to greater control of the mind.

Physically, the asanas, which work systematically on all parts of the
body, stretch and tone the muscles and ligaments, keeping the spine
and joints flexible and improving circulation.
This helps to balance your mind and body.

The Natural Danger of Free Radicals

We know that when iron gets wet, it undergoes a chemical process called oxidation
and we see a reddish coating, what we call rust.
Oxidation means that something has reacted with oxygen.
To be more specific, it means that oxygen molecules have lost an electron during
their interactions with other molecules.

These renegades become, what scientists call, free radicals, wounded, unstable
oxygen molecules that are just as dangerous as their name sounds.
In their quest to “heal” themselves, free radicals steal electrons from any healthy
molecule they can grab, creating more free radicals in the process.

Whenever oxygen mixes with other molecules, free radicals form as a byproduct.
Cut an apple, and the oxygen-exposed fruit becomes brown from free-radical damage.
Inhale, and you also have been exposed to free radicals.
In fact, every breath we take generates free radicals, which, as they seek to stabilze
themselves, damage our healthy cells.

And the damage that free radicals do is significant. More and more research is showing
that free-radical damage contributes to many major illnesses, including hardening of
the arteries, degenerative eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, certain cancers,
and even the aging process itself.

Free radicals occur naturally. The body produces them when it generate energy.
From the transformation of oxygen you breathe, into water, 1% turns into free radicals.
White blood cells also generate free radicals purposely, in order to heal invading bacteria & micro-organisms. Unfortunately, these free radicals also damage healthy tissue.

Staying in Balance
In keeping with the law of nature, for every force, there is a counter force.
The counter force of free radicals are antioxidants, which we find in vitamin C & E
and betacarotene.  They act as a buffer between free radicals and your body’s healthy

In addition to free radicals generated in our body, there are also huge numbers in our
environment. Chemicals from various sources in our homes, cigaret smoke, car exhaust etc.
It all add up to a huge amount of free radicals and antioxidants in your body have a
hard time to keep up.
It takes one-third of the Daily  Value of vitamin C – 2o milligram – to neutrolize
the effect of just one cigaret.

The Damage they do
Once free radicals are running rampant, they can launch attacks and cause damage
almost anywhere in the body. “The best example of the damage free radicals can cause
is artheroclerosis, or hardening of the arteries,” says Dr. Frei.
“It’s well-documented that free radicals contribute to this disease.”

Scientists have found that free radical damage is the reason that LDL cholesterol
begins to stick to artery walls in the first place.
Free radicals can also attack your DNA. The damage may cause changes in the DNA
that cause them to replicate uncontrollable. In other words, they become cancerous,
says Dr. Frei.

Free radicals can also cause damage to your eyes. Researchers from Harvard Medical School found a strong link between macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in people over 50, and free radical damage.

Sunshine contains a tremendous amount of dangerous ultraviolet light, one of the leading producers of free radicals.
Your skin also suffer under the sun’s UV light and cause wrinkles, skin thickening and other symptoms of premature skin aging.

It appears that free radicals may also be one of the keys to unlock the mysterious neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
Some scientists believe that free radicals may actually poke holes in the barrier
that usually shields the brain from outside invaders, like viruses and bacteria.
In response to the injury, researchers believe  that the immune system produces
even more free radicals, which may cause damage, leading to neurological disease.

“Very often, free radicals aren’t involved in initiating  the disease,.”Dr. Jenkens
adds, “but the free radicals that result from the disease  keep the damage going.”
Such is the case with rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation within effected joints
creates free radicals, which seems to do more damage than the actual disease itself.

The same can be said from many digestive diseases. Free radicals may not be the
cause of Crohn’s disease, for instance, but they definitely contribute to the damage.

Fighting Free Radicals
For optimum antioxidant protection against free radicals, Dr. Jenkens suggests
that people increase their intake  of vitamin C to between 200 and 400 mg and
that of vitamin E  to between 200 and 400 IU.

The Mega Antioxidants in the USANA Essentials contain 325 mg vitamin C and
vitamin E  100 IU per tablet. It is recommended to take 4 tablets per day.
Some research has also shown that people with the highest intake of carotenoids
– plant compounds that are powerful antioxidants – have lower rates of macular

And a Dutch Study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association
looked at the relationship between dietary intake of vitamin E and C, zinc and
beta-carotene and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in more than 4000
older adults at risk for the condition.  A high intake of all four nutrients was
associated with a 35% decrease in AMD risk , indicating that all four antioxidants
are protective.

Some of the best food sources of antioxidants compounds include vitamin C-
packed citrus fruits, red and green bell peppers, and dark green leafy vegetables,
beta-carotene-rich carrots, sweet potatoes,  spinach, wheat germ and vegetable
oils, which are loaded with vitamin E

You can find the USANA Essentials by visiting:



Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in our industrialized society.
Approximately 16 million Americans are the victim of this disease and
about half of them don’t even know that they are diabetic..

Apart from the disease itself, the side effects are also threatening.
One-third of all new cases of kidney disease are caused by diabetes.
As much as 80% of diabetics will die from cardiovascular disease and
diabetes is the leading cause of amputations and blindness in the elderly.

Two Types of Diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes usually effects children and is caused by an attack
of the immune system, which makes them insulin poor.

Type 2 diabetes is responsible for 90% of the cases.
This type of diabetes is caused by insulin resistance.

Insulin Resistance.
Insulin resistance or Syndrome X is caused by our modern life style.
Our diet has taken it’s toll. Far to many people eat a high-carbohydrate
and high-fat diet and as a result, many have become less sensitive
to their own insulin.

Insulin is a storage hormone that drives sugar into the cells to be
utilized or stored as fat. Our body wants to control our blood sugar,
but when our body becomes less sensitive to its own insulin, it
compensates by making more insulin.

If our blood sugar rises, the pancreas are forced to produce more
insulin in order to control our blood sugars.
However, increase in insulin levels can cause some serious
problems, called Syndrome X, like:
– inflammation of the arteries, which can cause heart
attack and stroke
– high blood pressure (hypertension)
– high level of triglycerides ( the other fat in the blood
beside cholesterol)
– low level of HDL (good cholesterol)
– high level of LDL (bad cholesterol)
– increased risk of blood clots formation
– a significant development of “uncontrolled” weight
gain, usually around the waist

A combination of these factors makes the risk of developing heart
disease 20 times higher. We can’t ignore the growing risk of
developing heart disease as the NUMBER ONE KILLER in our
industrialized world!

Cause of Diabetes.
As we have seen, in order for our body to control our blood sugar
levels, the pancreas have to produce more insulin.
This elevated level of insulin is the cause of the destructive
metabolic changes linked with Insulin Resistance or Syndrome X.

If we want to keep our blood sugar level low and constant, we need
to consume carbohydrates which are slowly turned into simple
sugar by our body.

Many people consume food products that cause their blood sugar
level to rise rapidly, like white bread, white flour, white rice, pasta
and potatoes. These foods contain the wrong type of carbohydrates,
which spike blood sugars. They have a high Glycemic Index.
You can read more about the Glycemic Index  in my special article.

Diabetes Test.
In order to test the development of Syndrome X, you can divide
your triglyceride level by your HDL level.
If the ratio is greater than 2, early signs of Syndrome X are present.

Cure for Syndrome X and Type 2 Diabetes.
Syndrome X or insulin resistance is totally reversible by life style
changes, that means consuming a low GI diet, combined with a
moderate exercise program and some basic nutritional supplements,
in order to improve insulin sensitivity.

Diagnosis of Diabetes
In a review article for the Mayo Clinic, Dr. James O’Keefe stated:
“Therapeutic efforts in patients with diabetes have focused
predominantly on normalizing increased  blood sugar levels,
while often ignoring many of these other modifiable risks, which
are caused by underlying insulin resistance.”

Doctors are mostly concerned about the fat content in people’s
diet, instead of treating insulin resistance, which is a much better
way to confront and control diabetes.

People with diabetes are deficient in the following micronutrients:
– Chromium: this is essential in the metabolism of glucose
and the action of insulin. It improves insulin sensitivity.
Diabetics need 300 mcg of chromium daily.
 – Vitamin E: apart from antioxidant defence, it also helps
to solve the problem of insulin resistance.
People  with a low level of vitamin E have a five times
higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
 – Magnesium: deficiency can exist in both type 1 and
type 2 diabetes. It also increases the risk of retinopathy
in diabetic patients. When this deficiency in older people
is corrected, insulin function improves drastic.
However, it is very difficult to diagnose magnesium
deficiency. Cellular levels can only be tested in reseach
labs, that’s why magnesium deficiency is under diagnosed.
We all need at least 400 – 500 mg of magnesium in
supplements every day.
   – Vanadium: This mineral is less known but can significantly
increase insulin sensitivity when taken in supplements.
Diabetics need 50 – 100 mcg in supplements daily.

The final question remains:If you struggle with diabetes, are you
willing to make life style changes to make yourself independent
of medication and live a healthier life?

To control your diabetes, you need a hemoglobin  A1C of less than 6.5.
This is hard to do with medication only. Watch your blood sugars
closely. If it drops to much, your doctor has to adjust your medication.

Applying these principles will significantly improve your diabetic control.

Five Steps to Avoid Colds

The first step to keep free from colds is to cut down severely on fast working carbohydrates, such as packeted cereals, white bread, white flour products, pies, cakes and confectionary, also sweets, soft drinks and similar denatured and clogging foods
and drinks.

The second step is to strengthen and make healthy the mucous membrane, of which the inner surfaces of the mouth, nose, sinuses, bronchia, lungs, etc., are lined.When these membranes lack vitamin A, they fail to function efficiently and are subject to infection.
Vitamin A rejuvenates and replenishes cells of the mucous membrane which have been destroyed or injured by virus or bacterial activity. These mucous membranes when in health, secrete a substance called lysozyme, which is a powerful defence against infectious organisms, due to its antiseptic action.

The third step is to saturate the tissues with vitamin C at the very first indication of
a cold and to keep them saturated until the cold is defeated. Vitamin C helps to build strong phagocytes and strengthens the conneective tissues.If you suffer from hay fever (usually the result of an allergy due to some foreign protein, or dust, pollen, dandruff, etc.), use the same vitamin therapy as for a cold, as the allergens mentioned are surrounded and disposed of in a simular manner to viruses and bacteria.

Vitamin C must be used in massive doses for colds, etc., as the body’s requirements and
losses of this vitamin during a cold are heavy.

The fourth step is to build up the nervous system with vitamin B complex, which also have
a most beneficial effect upon the skin, eyes and hair.Vitamin B complex remedy constipation, flatulence, pour appetite and digestive troubles.

The fifth step is to ensure that your diet includes adequate protein foods and plenty of
salad vegetables and fresh fruits,as these foods are vitalizing and nourishing.

When a cold feels imminent, don’t delay. Take six vvitamin C tablets at once and every two
hours thereafter take two or three of these tablets, until all traces of the cold are gone.

The best protection against further attacks by colds is to take multi-mineral and antioxidant tablets from USANA Health Sciences.
You can get them by  visiting:

Health & Nutrition 16 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   16th Edition
About Nutrobalance
A description of the most common diseases, how to cure and how
to avoid them with a healthy lifestyle and supplementation.
Five Steps to Avoid Colds
As we entering the season when colds are more likely to get hold of us, it is good to know how we can protect and avoid this nasty attack on our health.  read it all…..
US Population is becoming overweight and obese at younger age
read it all……
Australia has a new Food Pyramid
read it all….


The Weekly Bite

How To Shape Up For Summer 2015
May 11, 2015
Posted in: Health & Fitness
The winter weather is wearing off and we are so excited about it! With summer right around the corner, you can trust that Balance Bar® has all the tips, tricks and secrets you need to become…
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How to Boost Your Creativity
Your wellbeing can benefit from being more creative.
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More Health & Nutrition from Nutrobalance
Chronic Fatigue

How to Choose the Right Vitamins

In every health food store and supermarket you can find a range of vitamins,minerals and other supplements these days and all are claiming to be the best.
How can you distinguish which ones are true-to-label, potent, bio-available, made of the best forms of the nutrients and right for you?

The average consumer determine by price what the best value is, without understanding the subtle, yet profound differences between nutritional products.
The majority of multi-vitamins are woefully inadequate.

Effective potency is only the first problem.Different nutrients vary widely in price.
Iron sulfate for example,costs only pennies, whereas pure biotin costs around $6000 per pound, wholesale. You can understand how this influences formulations.

Different forms of the same nutrient can also vary in a 20-fold price range.
For example, a pill reading: “Vitamin E as mixed tocopherol complex, 400 IU”, can contain anything from a cheap blend of 50% tocopherols and 50% vegetable oil, to a very expensive blend of 95% tocopherols and 5% vegetable oil.The only guide you have as a consumer is the retail price.

But price is not unfallible. The only way you can know the truth about many forms of nutrients is to ask independent experts, government and university scientists.
Author, educator and consultant, Lyle Mac William, a former Canadian Member of Parliament,serving as the behest of Canada’s federal Minister of Health,developed the “Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.
He undertook a review of over 250 U.S. and Canadian nutritional supplements for their nutrient content. The evidence indicated that the USANA Essentials formulation clearlysurpassed the other evaluated products.

As the demand for copies of the work and requests to investigate additional nutritional supplements grew, it was clear that there was an earnest need for a comprehensive and objective comparison of nutritional products; hence, the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements was born, followed by the Comparative Guide to Children’s Nutritionals.

In developing his comparative guide, Lyle Mac William felt it imperative to provide an independent standard to which all products – including the USANA Essentials – could be compared objectively and quantitatively. In this edition he has used the recommendations of four recognized and published authorities on nutritional supplementation.

The individual daily-intake recommendations of DRs. Michael Colgan, Michael Murray,Richard Passwater and Ray Strand have been combined to create an independent comparative model.
It provides a comprehensive and scientifically rigorous evaluation of name-brand nutritional products, packet with the latest findings from the cutting edge of nutritional science. For those, interested in optimizing their health by selecting only the best,this guide is a must.

For more information about dietary supplements, visit:

Supplementation to Prevent Degenerative Diseases

Without  science and technology, our lifespan would not have been
increased as much as we experience it today.
However, they were not be able to secure for us our long-term health.
As Dr. Myron Wentz, founder of USANA Health Sciences likes to phrase it:
“We are living  too short and dying too long.”

Healthy living means:keeping a balanced, healthy diet, avoiding smoking,
excessive use of alcohol and toxic chemicals,taking regular exercise and
supplementing our diet with high quality nutritional supplements.

However, the nutrients have to be in a form that the cells of our body can
except them and the cells have to be in optimum condition to be able to
absorb the nutrients.These are the keys to successful nutrition and two
often overlooked facts.

Maintaining your health is much easier than trying to regain it.
When you are struggling with your health, you can empower your body
to fight and even reverse chronic diseases.

By providing the necessary nutrients at optimal levels, your LDL cholesterol
is more resistant to oxidation, your eyes have greater antioxidant protection
from sunlight and you provide optimal protection for your lungs.
You increase your immune system and antioxidant defence system.

You decrease the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, cancer, arthritis,
diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson disease and more.

People who are suffering from a chronic degenerative disease are under
greater oxidative stress than normal.In this case, optimizers are important
to use in order to support any existing nutritional program.

It’s been scientifically proven that there are substantial health benefits in
taking nutritional supplements. The benefits of nutritional supplements
are scientifically verified over the past two years.
Hundreds of scientific studies have proved that nutritional supplements
can significantly reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.

The American Medical Association (AMA) now encourages all adults
to supplement daily with a multiple vitamin. Based on a landmark review
of 38 years of scientific evidence by Harvard researchers, Dr Robert Fletcher
and Dr Kathleen Fairfield, the conservative Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA) has rewritten its policy guidelines regarding the use of
vitamin supplements. In a striking departure from its previous anti-vitamin
rhetoric, JAMA (June19,2002) now recommends that, given our nutrient-poor
modern diet, supplementation each day with a multiple vitamin is a prudent
preventive measure against chronic disease.

The researchers point out that more than 80% of the American population
does not consume anywhere near the five to eight servings of fruits and
vegetables required each day for optimal health.

Dr Robert Fletcher, co-author of the groundbreaking JAMA studies, states:
All of us grew up believing that if we ate a reasonable diet, that would take
care of our vitamin needs. But the new evidence, much of it in the last couple
of years, is that vitamins also prevent the usual diseases we deal with every
day – heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and birth defects.

Most people simply accept the onset of arthritis, heart disease and
diabetes as inevitable results of the aging process — the truth is, these
conditions are largely preventable.

Health is a matter of CHOISE.
If we chose to make good nutrition – including supplementation –
and an active lifestyle a daily habit, we could add 5 to 15 healthy
years to our lives.
Apart from the future benefits, eating well and exercising regularly
also enable us to enjoy life so much more right now!

It is still a proven fact that USANA Health Sciences can provide
you with high quality Nutritional Supplements.
I have been using them for many years with great results!
I highly recommend them for your long term OPTIMAL HEALTH!
For information about the USANA products, visit:

Are We Deficient in Essential Nutrients?

We will be able to answer this question after we have looked at some official American government figures, which shows us how the degraded foods that is consumed by most people, fails to provide adequate nutrients. The same results, I would believe, can  be
found in other developed countries, like Europe and Australia.

The following nutritional information will be able to convince you, whether we are
deficient in Essential nutrients.
The Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HANES 1) studied 28,000 people, aged
1 to 74, in sixty-five different  areas throughout the United States.
HANES 1 examined their diets, blood nutrient levels and any poor nutrition symptons.
Severe dietary deficiencies were found by using very conservative levels as a standard.

As an example: nine out of ten women had iron deficiency in their diet (less than 18 m ).
One in every two women were deficient in calcium (less than 600 mg).
There was a widespread of iron deficiency in all age groups, sex, race and income groups,
although white bread and cerials are “enriched” with iron in America.
In total, more than 60% of these people showed minimal one sympton of malnutrition,
in spite of their income level.

Similar results were found by the Ten State Nutritional Survey of 86,000 people.
For example, in Michigan, a test showed that half the men and women had folic acid
deficiency. One in every four men and one in every three women  in Texas and Washington
had vitamin A deficiency. In southern California, one in three people had vitamin B2
(riboflavin) deficiency.

The figures of the RDA’s to represent proper nutrition were very conservative.
Still, about two thirds of these people had bad nutrition although the number of nutrients
in the deficiency test was only a fifth of the 59 essential nutrients  for optimal health.
Simular results were shown by a third government study. The Nationwide Food Consumption Survey of 15,000 households showed that one out of three households
were deficient in calcium and vitamin B6 in their diet. One in five households were
deficient in iron and vitamin A.

In the latest report from the USDA, 37,785 people were examined, analyzing the intake
of only 11 of the essential nutrients. Showing that the fast majority of subjects ate less
than the RDA for vitamin A and B6 and for the minerals calcium,iron,and magnesium.
The results are worse for  people of old age. A recent study of older Americans by
Dr. Jacob Selhub at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University,
analyzed the levels of diet and blood of only three nutrients:folate, vitamin B6 and B12.
It showed that 60% of these seniors had insufficient folate  to prevent high blood levels
of homocysteine, which is a proven risk factor for heart disease.

The worst result was that 80% of subjects were getting the RDA for folate, but it was
clearly insufficient for them to maintain good health, with this level of intake.
In an editorial, added to the study and published in the very conservative Journal of
the American Medical Association, Professors Meir Stampfer and Walter Willet of
the Harvert University concluded:” a fair argument for the recommendation of ….
multi-vitamins for most individuals can be made.”

Awareness of these problems with our food now exist by many  thousands of people,
which results in a movement to return to organic farming. But it will take decades
before only a quarter of American agricultural land is detoxified and then restored
after years of mulching, manuring and crop rotation, to be able to get back the rich
in nutrients soils of our forefathers.
The best way to restore your personal nutrient levels is to use the right vitamin and
mineral supplements as can be found by visiting this site: