Blood Sugar Control

It is a well-known fact that carbohydrates effect your blood sugar level most, protein has less influence and fat not at all or very little . But your diet can’t exist on fat alone.

However, there are different kind of carbohydrates. There are the ones that effect your blood sugar level most, there are also carbohydrates that keep your blood sugar level fairly constant.
These are called low glycemic index carbohydrates. Almost all fruits and vegetables are low glycemic. The Glycemic Index or GI is a ranking of carbohydrate containing foods, based on there effect on blood glucose levels.

What effects the GI?
1. Level of food processing
2. Physical structure, starch, protein, acidity, soluble fiber and fat.

How can low GI carbs help with weight loss?
1. It delays hunger pangs.
2. It promotes a faster fat loss
3. It causes less drop in metabolic rate
4. It reduces dramatic fluctuations in blood glucose levels.
5. It reduces insulin demands significantly.

Foods containing sugar are not necessary high GI. Sucrose (table sugar)
has moderate GI.

The basics of a low GI diet.
Eat whole-grain bread, mountain bread or stone ground bread.
Pasta, barley, noodles, sweet potato, legumes, oats, muesli, low GI serials.

Long-term weight management
1. Diet. Eating to appetite with the right foods
2. Exercise regularly, incorporate more intense sessions.
3. Be active in daily life.

However, if you’re still struggling keeping your blood sugar level under control,
try the following product:

It’s called: “Diabetes Freedom
This system helps thousands of men and women who follow it improve their blood sugar levels.

Of course, results vary according to the condition you’re in, the medication you take and the length of time you’ve had high blood sugar.

Some people will get better results than others but nearly everyone who follows the system will experience an improvement in blood sugar levels. This improvement alone is worth at least 50 times what you invest today.

How does this Diabetes Freedom get sent to me?

The entire Diabetes Freedom will be available as a digital product that you can download or watch and read online from the members area. You can access it on your computer, smartphone, tablet and you can even download and print out the nutrition guide. What’s great is that you’ll save on shipping costs and Diabetes Freedom will be instantly accessible following your order. You can get started as soon as tonight.

Is it scientifically proven?

Diabetes Freedom is based on research at University of Utah, Texas University, Newcastle University in England, Harvard Medical School and 14 other studies from reputable institutions.

You can order it here !