The F4X Training System: The Hottest workout System on the Planet

The F4X training system as featured in “Old School – New Body”, is a revolutionary training system, using moderate weight, high fatigue training with short rests between sets. It burns more fat and pumps up your muscles like crazy.

Built to last a lifetime
With the F4X training system you will remain “built” your entire life, never embarrassed to peel off your shirt at the beach.
You will be mentally and physically tough, prepared for whatever the circumstances in life. You are “built” to withstand the stress, pressures and problems that come your way – almost like you’ve created a bulletproof mental and physical harness, able to deflect any negatives every day.

Whether you’re 18 and just starting the muscle-building journey or a 50-something trainee who’s been lifting for decades, lifting smart means training in the most efficient, safest and fastest ways to build muscle and burn fat.

You don’t have to do endless cardio sessions (the F4X Training System is a great cardiovascular workout) and you don’t have to spend an hour a day in the gym. The F4X Training System will be your personal breakthrough, achieving your ideal body, staying in tip-top shape with minimal time, and having a life outside a gym.

It’s FAST it’s EFFICIENT and it’s SAFE. If you want results that have stood the test of DECADES, then read on.
You MUST be okay with brief bouts of old-school-style hard work. If you are, here’s a routine you’ve never seen before, AND you will get in and out of the gym in RECORD time.

Now You Can Slow the Aging Process to A Crawl, Quickly Sculpt The Body You’ve Always Wanted, Plus Make It Look As If You’re Aging ‘Backwards’…
And Do It All In Just 90 Minutes A Week

Our bodies all age, one day at a time. HOWEVER: You can SLOW the aging process down and totally reshape your body…
to the point to where you look a decade younger than you are right now in less than 90 days. This does not involve special creams, or some kind of ‘miracle’…

You remain in total control!
Now, here’s the really good part (and ladies, listen up!) You are in TOTAL CONTROL — you simply STOP when you’ve gained the muscle you want!
You never, EVER have to worry about waking up looking like a freaky bodybuilder… that just doesn’t happen on F4X.
You stop when you have the body YOU want, and then you maintain it using an even easier Protocol.

I know, this sounds so incredibly simple… and it is. You see, you might be confused when it comes to what to do these days in order to lose weight and shape up.

There are so many super-complicated diets and fitness plans out there; it’s enough to confuse anyone! And it’s not your fault.
So many magazines, especially the “chick mags”, print the most confusing, and downright STUPID diet plans and exercise routines we’ve ever seen!
It’s no wonder the nation is growing fatter by the year, and people are dropping dead of heart attacks at shockingly young ages.

Our motto is: Make It Simple, Yet Make It Challenging.

Break through research has proven it!
Now you can slow the aging process to a crawl. Quickly sculpt the body you’ve always wanted, plus:
Make it look as if you’re aging backwards. And do it all in just 90 minutes work!
The F4X training system is a revolutionary way of combining four specific exercises, done in a matter of minutes.
Fast, efficient and safe!

When you make this wise decision, you will…
Wake up energized before the alarm ever goes off
Rarely if ever be limited by typical “age-related” aches and pains
Radically alter the shape, tone, and body fat you currently have
Drop ALL the weight you desire in only 90 minutes per week
Stop the “insanity” programs that AGE YOU FASTER and start eating and moving in a way that’s proven to defy the aging process.
And So Much More!

For more information about the F4X training system, visit: