A Revolutionary Way of Achieving your Fitness Goals

The F4X Training System – The Hottest workout System on the Planet

Over the past decade, Steve and Becky Holman have developed a men and women’s workout system that they call F4X Training System.
This is a revolutionary way of combining four specific exercises done in literally a matter of minutes. That’s ALL YOU NEED…
And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

You don’t have to do endless cardio sessions (the F4X Training System is a great cardiovascular workout) and you don’t have to spend an hour a day in the gym.
The F4X Training System will be your personal breakthrough, achieving your ideal body, staying in tip-top shape with minimal time, and having a life outside a gym.

The F4X System is definitely not for everyone. For example:

If you enjoy spending an hour a day working out, this is NOT for you (and good luck with those free radicals!)
If you think you can “spin” or run your way to a younger, time-changing body, have at it… this is not for you.
And, if you are not prepared to work very, very hard for a very short period of time, this is not for you.

We’re not going to lie: F4X is hard work — anything that produces this kind of radical age-defying result will never be a walk in the park.

However, it’s FAST it’s EFFICIENT and it’s SAFE. Fair enough? Hey, if you’re looking for an EASY way out, then Google “Pipedream Workout” and maybe you’ll get lucky. If you want results that have stood the test of DECADES, then read on.

You MUST be okay with brief bouts of old-school-style hard work. If you are, here’s a routine you’ve never seen before, AND you will get in and out of the gym in RECORD time.

Now You Can Slow the Aging Process to A Crawl, Quickly Sculpt The Body You’ve Always Wanted, Plus Make It Look As If You’re Aging ‘Backwards’… And Do It All In Just 90 Minutes A Week

Our bodies all age, one day at a time. HOWEVER: You can SLOW the aging process down and totally reshape your body… to the point to where you look a decade younger than you are right now in less than 90 days. This does not involve special creams, or some kind of ‘miracle’…

Most people understand that both men and women MUST exercise in order to turn back the clock. But did you know that both men & women should essentially work out the same? Sure, men will use more weight, but the fear of women “getting bulky” is a MYTH… and read on. We’ll prove it to you with pictures!

You have been lied to if you think you have to lift massive weights hours a day to look like a total stud, or that women need to lift differently than men. We BOTH need LESS TIME in the gym, and we BOTH need the same basic protocol. Only the resistance will change.

You cannot find this youth-enhancing system anywhere else. Steve and Becky have sole ownership of it, and it’s only found right here, on this VERY PAGE… so keep reading…

The F4X Protocol has THREE (3) PHASES. Each phase is designed to give you exactly what YOU desire for your body—nothing more, nothing less.


Do you want to lose 10, 25, 50, even 100 pounds or more? Then you will be doing the F4X Protocol with slight variations in movement style and nutrition. You will NOT be spending 4 hours a day doing cardio, or going out and trying to run a few miles. That will get you absolutely nowhere. The few simple variations in the F4X Protocol that we give you, plus the F4X LEAN Meal Plan, will get you exactly where you want to go.

NOTE: Some Old School, New Body readers only go through Phase 1. They find that they get “just enough” toned muscle and ALL the weight loss they desire, and they simply stop right there. Of course, they use F4X MAINTAIN to stay fit, trim, and healthy, but they do not progress to Phase 2 or Phase 3. It’s completely up to you.


Once you start losing all the weight you desire, then and ONLY then should you proceed, if you want, to Phase 2: F4X SHAPE. This is what Becky did. First, she got her fat-loss into gear on the LEAN program, and then she decided she wanted “just a bit” more muscle on her frame. She wanted to look like a competitive swimmer, or a figure competitor—a tad more muscle than she had from the LEAN Phase. So, enter the SHAPE Phase!

Here, you will (again) slightly change your lifting style and nutrition plan. That’s it! Nothing drastic, nothing major. Just simple changes to the foundational F4X Protocol is ALL you need, man or woman, to add more lean muscle.

Oh, the added benefit of the F4X SHAPE Phase is that you burn even more body fat because you’ve added lean muscle. Muscle burns 95% of your calories at rest, so the more you have, the more food you can eat. And, since Becky LOVES her treat meals, her extra pounds of SEXY muscle helps burn off those calories… even while she sleeps. You can do the same!


Here’s where guys like me come into the picture. I love the look of fitness pro, or what I call “a mini bodybuilder.” That huge, grotesque muscle mass you see on the covers of bodybuilding magazines? Not for me. Folks, that’s not built by training hard. That’s built by training hard, taking illegal drugs, and eating like a horse.

I love muscles, but I don’t want to look like I can’t fit through the front door of my house! Plus, our kids would really freak out if they saw daddy come home looking like the Hulk.

Still, I wanted those 15-20 extra pounds of muscle on my frame, so I use the F4X BUILD Protocol. Again, same foundational plan, just with simple tweaks to the lifts and diet.

You remain in total control!

Now, here’s the really good part (and ladies, listen up!) You are in TOTAL CONTROL — you simply STOP when you’ve gained the muscle you want! You never, EVER have to worry about waking up looking like a freaky bodybuilder… that just doesn’t happen on F4X. You stop when you have the body YOU want, and then you maintain it using an even easier Protocol.

I know, this sounds so incredibly simple… and it is. You see, you might be confused when it comes to what to do these days in order to lose weight and shape up.

There are so many super-complicated diets and fitness plans out there; it’s enough to confuse anyone! And it’s not your fault. So many magazines, especially the “chick mags”, print the most confusing, and downright STUPID diet plans and exercise routines we’ve ever seen! It’s no wonder the nation is growing fatter by the year, and people are dropping dead of heart attacks at shockingly young ages.

Our motto is: Make It Simple, Yet Make It Challenging.

When you make this wise decision, you will…
Wake up energized before the alarm ever goes off
Rarely if ever be limited by typical “age-related” aches and pains
Radically alter the shape, tone, and body fat you currently have
Drop ALL the weight you desire in only 90 minutes per week
Stop the “insanity” programs that AGE YOU FASTER and start eating and moving in a way that’s proven to defy the aging process.
And So Much More!

For more information about the F4X training system, visit: https://tinyurl.com/ty4b87z