Monthly Archives: December 2015

Health & Nutrition #45 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   Edition #45

Cancer is not just ‘bad luck’ but down to environment, study suggests

Cancer is overwhelmingly a result of environmental factors and not largely down to bad luck, a study suggests.  continue reading

Exercise and Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in the U.S. Heart disease and cancer combined, account for almost 50% of all deaths each year and affects nearly 14 million  continue reading

13 foods you should never eat

It’s really tough to stick to hard-and-fast food rules. But some foods can seriously mess with your health. Do your best to steer clear of these foods that scare registered dietitians.
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Recipe of the Day – Incredible nut roast
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More Health and Nutrition from Nutrobalance

What’s wrong with our Modern Diet
Synergy in Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation
Breathing for Energy

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The Truth about Antibiotics

Protecting yourself with antibiotics is impossible. Dr. Michael Colgan, Director of the Colgan Institute of Nutritional Science in San Diego, wrote: “Our out-of-control disease industry has created most of the new bugs that now plague us. Our physicians are unwittingly engaging in biological warfare against the American public, far worse than anything done by Saddam Hussein.”

Each prescription of an antibiotic that is unnecessary, kills off the weak members of any bacterial colony present, that include any beneficial bacteria in our intestines. It’s called selective breeding. Only the strongest bacteria survive.

Because there is no competition for space and food, these resistant bugs can multiply quickly. When different antibiotics are repeatedly misused against a particular bacterial strain, it quickly breeds bugs that are resistant to all of them.

Misuse of antibiotics against self-limiting infections will not allow your immune system to develop its own powerful resistance. Most children in America today compromise their immune system by wrongfully prescribed antibiotics. They have never been allowed to develop resistance against unnecessary use of drugs, causing ear, nose and throat infections.

Alexander Fleming, who discovered the penicillin, warned us against these problems. At the beginning of this crisis, the microbiologist Dr. Stuart Levy of Turfts University at the head of a group of 150 scientists stated:”Unless we apply antibiotics correctly, there may come a time when they are no longer useful against diseases.” We didn’t pay attention to Dr. Levy’s warning and as a result the crisis is now upon us.

In the year 1992, physicians wrote more than 4,000,000 useless antibiotic prescriptions against the common cold and ‘flu viruses. They continue this malpractice year in and year out, despite clear instructions in the Physicians Desk Reference that the drugs are only effective against bacteria.

The picture for hospitals is even worse. According to recent studies, up to half of all antibiotics used in hospitals in America is improper. This criminal malpractice has caused hundreds of man-made, antibiotic resistant bugs, including new strains of tuberculosis, pneumonia, Ecoli, salmonella and meningitis.
They make hospitals very dangerous places to be!

How to Prevent Dementia

If you have read my article about “How to Save Your Brain”, I don’t have to tell you again about the devastating effects this disease called “Alzheimer’s dementia” has on a person’s life. Dementia takes away meaningful life and leaves us trapped in our own bodies. Besides the fact that you are not be able to recognize family and friends, but also are not be able to perform the simplest tasks.

Today, more than two million Americans are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and is the most important reason why people move to a nursing home. According to research, nearly 50% of the population will suffer from this disease by the age of eighty. There are even people who are developing Alzheimer’s in their fifties.

Losing our ability to think is most devastating. Anyone dealing with Alzheimer’s within his or her own family understands this tragedy. It does not make much sense to reach the ripe old age of 89 when you have not be able to recognize your family for years.

For this reason it is of paramount importance to protect the health of your brain. Medical research has proven without any doubt that Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neuro degenerative disease are the result of free radical damage and oxidative stress.

The reasons why the brain and nerves are vulnerable to oxidative stress and damage are: 1. Depending on its size, a significant number of free radicals are created, caused by an increased rate of oxidative activity. 2. The levels of antioxidants within our brain and nerve tissue are relatively low. 3. Oxidative stress can easily cause damage to our central nervous system and once it is damaged, it may be a lifelong handicap.

A recent report by research at Case Western Reserve University concluded that an increase of oxidative stress with age may account for all aspects of Alzheimer’s dementia. There is strong evidence that patients with Alzheimer’s have significantly depleted levels of antioxidants in their brain and high levels of oxidative stress.

There is strong interest in an attempt to prevent this oxidative damage by giving the patients various antioxidants. A study reported by the New England Journal of Medicine in April 1997 showed that the progression of Alzheimer’s could be significantly slowed down by supplementing high doses of vitamin E. Patients were be able to stay two to three years longer at home.

Other trials, where Alzheimer’s patients used various antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and rutin have been encouraging. A Cache County Study revealed that supplementation with a combination of vitamin C and vitamin E reduced the prevalence of Alzheimer’s dementia. It is obvious that, considering this kind of effect on patients with moderately severe Alzheimer’s dementia, what would be the effect on people who are just diagnosed with this disease? Would it be possible to decrease the risk of getting Alzheimer’s altogether by taking optimum levels of antioxidant supplements? Grape seed extract is ideal for preventing Alzheimer’s as it crosses easily the blood-brain barrier and is able to get into the fluid around the brain and the brain itself. It’s a very potent antioxidant, 50 times more than vitamin E and 20 times more than vitamin C Once in the brain, the proanthocyamidins in the grape seed, trap and neutralize damaging hydroxyl free radicals that can oxidize DNA and essential brain lipids, disturbing normal brain function.

Studies have shown that Phosphatidylserine can stimulant the release of acetylcholine and improve the cognition of patients with dementia. It has also been shown to improve mood, memory and cognition and has proven to be more effective wen used with Ginko bilboa ( which increase blood supply to the brain) and omega-3 fatty acids, which not only improve mood and combat depression, but also improve cognition. It significantly decrease inflammation, which is the enemy of normal brain function.

CoQ10 has been shown to improve or at least slowed down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease with high dose supplementation. CoQ10 is not only a strong antioxidant, but also produce energy within within the cell and has to be supplemented with 400 to 600 mg in gel form ,as it is more difficult to get through the brain barrier and into the brain.

Avoid any exposure to heavy metals like aluminum, mercury, cadmium etc. as they leave deposits in our central nervous system. They are also known to increase free radical production and cause tissue damage via oxidative stress.

Also avoid anti perspirants that contain aluminum. Anything you put on your skin will be absorbed into the body. Avoid the use of mercury amalgams for your dentures.

Taking an aggressive nutritional supplement program, along with a healthy diet and a modest exercise program is the best way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

It is always easier to protect your health than it is to regain it once you have lost it In particular with any case of dementia.

How to Protect against Cancer

1) Choose a balanced diet, consisting of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables ,(green, yellow and red), approximately three- quarters of total food intake by weight, preferable organically grown, if possible. Include cruciferous vegetables (cabbage) , carrots, tomatoes and garlic.

2) Avoid the consumption of deep-fried food and overcooked food, saturated fat and transfat.

3) Don’t overeat, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”

4) Choose unprocessed food, low in fat, preferably from plants and avoid animal fats and hydrogenated oils, including margarine. Use fresh flaxeed oil or fish oil for omega-3 fatty acids.

5) Eat adequate protein from plant sources and fibre from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, legumes, seeds, oat bran and rice bran.

6) Avoid toxic synthetic chemicals as much as possible, particularly pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Drink filtered water, preferably reverse osmosis, to avoid chlorine and heavy metals.

7) Increase intake of natural minerals and vitamins from the juices of green, yellow and red vegetables.Supplement your diet with high quality multiminerals and antioxidants, particularly carotenoids, zinc and selenium and folic acid (vitamin B9).

Consume low glycemic food with a low glycemic load and keep calorie intake low overall.

9)Minimize intake of caffeine, alcohol, white sugar, white flour, table salt ( use sea salt instead), cured meats and smoked foods.

10) Keep clear of radiation. Research shows that nearly three- quarters of the energy from the antenna of a mobile phone is absorbed by the head. This radiation is the same kind of energy from microwave ovens and is sought to create hot spots in the brain.

It’s a well known fact that x-rays are causing cancer, even diagnostic use. An Australian radiologist estimated that about 270 Australians die each year from cancer, caused by such tests. Also the electromagnetic radiation from powerlines and household appliances may contribute slightly carcinogenic effects.

11) Exercise regularly, at least three times per week for half an hour, for example brisk walking, can make the necessary difference to an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

12) Find ways to cope with stress, for example by practising meditation, yoga, and seek

Health & Nutrition #44 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Edition #44
Advances in Nutrition November 2015 Media Alert
Sleep Deprivation and Diet
Better Choices
The surest way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.
But if weight loss is so simple, why do I have so much trouble with it?!As it turns out, “eating less” is a very difficult task. Your body really wants those extra Calories, and you live in a world where food is very plentiful. Instead of foraging for your food, you’re literally bombarded with opportunities to eat, and every food manufacturer tries to seduce you with their latest, tastiest offerings. You quickly develop food cravings that willpower alone cannot overcome. To win your “war” against food, you need to learn more about what you’re eating...continue reading.….


Skincare should be part of an overall health and beauty program. Apart from nourishing the skin with topical application, you also need a proper diet, exercise and the use of good nutritional supplements.

Improper nutrition causes chaos to the skin. It increases free-radical oxidative stress. Antioxidants in your diet is very important. Poor diet can inhibit sebum production and result in dry skin. It’s impossible to topically introduce elastin and collagen through the skin with today’s technology. They must be produced from within the skin.

Sufficient water intake is also important for proper nutrition and skincare. It hydrates the skin and flushes out toxins. Bioflavonoids, flavones and vitamin C and K strengthen capillary walls. Healthy blood vessels deliver necessary nutrients to the cells and protect against varicose veins, broken capillaries and cherry angiomas.

Proper exercise contributes to the skin’s health and beauty. It increases capillary density and improves the body’s ability to nutrient the skin. The circulatory system not only feeds the skin, but also provides its color and tone.

Smoking age the skin very fast. It reduces the oxygen in your blood and increases free-radical oxidative stress. It magnifies capillary elation and constriction and exacerbates capillary disorders, such as varicose veins. It destroys irreplaceable skin tissue and over time, creates dull skin and yellow patches.

Proper skincare requires a four stage treatment. Cleanse First, cleanse the skin with a gentle cleanser to remove impurities without drying or irritating the skin. Don’t use soap. Sucrose-based emollients and cleansers are preferred to ensure dermal hygiene. The objective is to cleanse the skin with minimum disruption to the skin’s acid mantle or pH balance. An initial introduction of nutrients during the process is desirable (such as vitamins A, C, E and others.)

Tone Toning completes the cleansing process by rinsing away leftover impurities. Skin pores are cleared by removing the excess oils. The skin is now receptive to the nutrients both included in the toner and those supplied later in the regimen.

Renew and refine The cleansed and toned skin is prepared for renewing and refining compounds, specifically designed to diminish the signs of aging, such as sagging skin and uneven tone and to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Cleansing and toning have opened avenues into the skin which permit deep penetration of nourishing and firming compounds. Exfoliant agents applied at this stage loosen dead keratin cells so that they are more readily and evenly removed at the next cleansing. Skin brighteners are introduced to stimulate the skin to display an enhanced and vibrant tone.

Nourishment The final step is nourishing your skin. Deep moisturizers hydrate and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Stabilizing oils restore a proper pH-balanced acid mantle. Protective lipid emollients will nurture this balance and minimize dehydration until the next cleansing.

Protecting your skin can take on many forms at this stage. Antioxidants defend against oxidative stress. Ultraviolet A(UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) absorbing ingredients mitigate solar radiation damage. Vitamins, flavonoids and phytonutrients nourish the skin to enhance its native defence mechanism. Emollients help maintain these protections well after the regimen is completed.

An evening nourisher differ from the morning formula as protection against UVA and UVB is unnecessary. Night formulas can retexture and restore the skin in ways unavailable in daytime environment.

In most regimens,a special formula is used for application around the eyes.The skin around the eyes is usually thinner and more prone to wrinkles and puffines. Eye shadow, eye liners, mascarades and the solvents required to remove these cosmetics all irritate the skin near the eye.Quality eye nourishers must include additional emollients and appearance revitalizers as well as firmers ( skin tighteners ) to reduce puffiness.

The key to health and beauty is a solid offense: it requires proper nutrition, exercise, habits and nutritional supplementation.

Health & Nutrition #43 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   Edition # 43

Keeping Emotions under Control

Childhood and adolescence are ages of constant change and crucial experiences. At times the emotional weight can be difficult to manage and may lead to psychological issues in adulthood. Neuro feedback is a method that helps individuals to keep their brain activity (for example a response to an emotional event ) under control. While routinely used on adults, a new study published in NeuroImage demonstrates that the technique shows promise for young people as well.    continue reading ….

Is Red Meat Really as Dangerous as Cigarrettes? The REAL Story on Red Meat and Processed Meats

by Cat Ebeling, RN, BSN & Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist co-authors of The Fat Burning Kitchen The news, the internet, Facebook and Twitter are all buzzing again about red meat, processed meats, and cancer. This time it seems like it is getting a lot of coverage.  But this isn’t .  continue reading ……
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) is the most highly rated peer-reviewed research journal in ISI’s nutrition and dietetics category and publishes the latest worldwide basic and clinical studies relevant to human nutrition in topics such as obesity, vitamins and minerals, nutrition and disease, and energy metabolism. The AJCN was selected by the Special Libraries Association (SLA) as one of the top 100 most influential journals in Biology and Medicine over the last 100 years.
Periodically, supplements to the AJCN are published, and these contain proceedings from internationally recognized conferences on clinical nutrition. Supplements are included in the subscription rate and are also available for purchase individually. Refer to our list of available supplements.

Recipe of the Day – Gammon and eggs
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 More Health & Nutrition from Nutrobalance

Are we Deficient in Essential Nutrients?
Disease Prevention
Exercise against disease

Disease Prevention

Our body is build up of approximately 75 trillion cells and there are many different types of cells for every part of our body.They continually replicate themselves. When we age, get sick or get diseases, our cells do too. Each cell has a set of genetic instructions in its center, called the DNA, which controls cell growth, development and replication.

When DNA is damaged by free radicals, it can replicate a damaged cell. When this cell replicates itself, it can become cancer.

In order to slow down the aging process, prevent sickness and diseases, we must protect and properly feed our cells.

Cells are made up of many atoms. When these atoms are healthy, the cells replicate (make an exact copy) and keep the body young, healthy and free from diseases. A healthy atom has “paired” electrons around the nucleus.

Atoms missing an electron are called free radicals.They are not only bad, but actually destroy surrounding atoms by stealing their electrons.

Dying cells and cells replicating in a damaged state are the cause or contribute to premature aging, sickness and disease such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease and many others.

Where do free radicals come from? First, understand the concept of “oxidative stress”. Oxygen is essential for life itself, but it is also inherently dangerous. This is called the “dark-side” of oxygen. As a result, bodies rust, both inside and out.The same process causing a cut apple to turn brown or iron to rust is the cause of all the chronic degenerative diseases and even ageing.

Within every cell of the body is a furnace called the mitochondria. As oxygen is utilized within the furnace of the cell to create energy and life itself, occasionally a charged oxygen molecule, called a free radical, is created. If this free radical is not readily neutralized by an antioxidant, it can create more volatile free radicals, damage the cell wall, vessel wall,proteins, fats, and even the DNA nucleus. Chemically, this reaction has been shown to be so volatile that it actually causes bursts of light within the body!

To give the best illustration of the process of oxidation and free radical damage, imagine sitting in front of a fireplace. The fire burns safely most of the time, but occasionally a hot cinder pops out that lands on your carpet and burns a little hole in it. One cinder doesn’t pose much of a threat; but if this sparking and popping continues month after month, year after year, a pretty “ratty” carpet results.

The fireplace represent the furnace of the cell (the mitochondria), the cinder is the charged free radical and the carpet is the body. Whichever part of the body receives the most free radical damage will be the first to wear out and potentially cause a degenerative disease. If it’s the arteries, you could develop a heart attack or stroke. If it is the brain, we get Alzheimer’s dementia or Parkinson’s disease. If it’s your joints, we get arthritis.

The cause of free radicals. Free radicals are caused by smoking, stress, sunlight, pesticides and insecticides put on our plants,grass, and weeds. Pollution in air and water, soil depletion, airline travel (Jetleg), medications, food additives, x-rays, exercise, chloride in treated water, chemicals in our home, mercury in seafood and teeth fillings and many more. One cigarette generates approximately one quadrillian free radicals.

The Solution. Fortunately, biochemical research shows that people are not defenseless against this attack on the body by free radicals. Antioxidants have additional electrons around the nucleus to give to free radicals,which neutralizes the harmful effects. Antioxidants are like the glass doors or fine-wire mesh in front of the fireplace. The sparks are still going to fly but the carpet is protected.

Imagine the war taking place within every cell in the body, like two opposing forces: the enemy–free radicals; and your allies– antioxidants and there supporting nutrients.

The cause of Heart Disease. Many different forms of heart disease primarily come from a buildup of fatty deposits on the inner surface of arteries. Eventually, blocking blood flow, leading to heart attack or stroke.

Free radicals cause and/or contribute to heart disease. Scientists now believe that it’s not just the eating of fat causing buildup in arteries, but fats that damaged by free radicals. This is called oxidized fat,which causes the fat to be more “sticky”, adhering to the inner artery walls more easily. This explains why smoking and stress are risk factors to heart disease, as is high fat consumption.

Antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer. The most important role antioxidants play in the body is to protect the DNA from damage caused by free radicals,by correct use of the right antioxidants. It can even reverse many forms of cancer.The importance of maintaining proper antioxidant levels cannot be over emphasized.

Living a healthy life becomes a matter of balance. There should be enough antioxidants readily available to neutralize free radicals produced by the body. Otherwise “oxidative stress” occurs. When this oxidative stress persists over a prolonged period of time, it will most likely cause a serious chronic degenerative disease.

How to get enough antioxidants from diet? The number of free radicals the body produces varies every day. Pollutants in the air, food and water, enormous stress, excessive exercise, cigarette smoke, sunlight, dramatically increase free radicals. There has never been a generation more effected by oxidative stress then our present one. The population is literally under attack from a polluted environment, stressful lifestyles and over-medication.

This ongoing attack is depriving society of the most precious gift:health. Thankfully,nobody is defenceless against free radical attack. The antioxidant army neutralizes free radicals, making them harmless. In past generations, this defence system was sufficient. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Bodies’ defence systems need additional support.

Food is depleted in antioxidant content and supporting minerals as a result of mineral depletion in soils, green harvesting,cold storage, highly processed – and genetically modified food, our poor food choices and food preparation.

Most antioxidants come from vegetables and fruits, in the form of vitamin C & E, and beta-carotene.Other natural compounds are present as flavonoids in vegetables like: indoles, phenols, coumarins, isothiocyanates, and pycnogenols (procyanadins). Much of their action is antioxidant too.

Everybody must take charge of health in a time of heavy attack from the environment on natural defense systems and do everything to rebuild them with a healthy diet, supplemented with complete and well balanced, high quality supplements.
This is the best hope in winning the war within and maintaining health.

Exercise against diseases

It’s a proven fact that the right exercise not only maintains your heart, your lungs, your muscles, your bones, a healthy level of body fat and even your intestinal function, but also some more subtle functions, like insulin and your body’s dealing with sugar.

It has been known for more than fifty years that lack of exercise leads to glucose intolerance. However, not long ago research has shown that getting of the couch and start moving, not only maintain insulin function to deal with the sugar, but it also can reverse decades of damage. Insulin dependent diabetics, for example, using the right exercise program, can increase insulin efficiency so much that some patients, who have used insulin daily for years, no longer need it.


In healthy people, the right exercise completely protects glucose tolerance against the degenerative changes in insulin metabolism that lead to adult-onset diabetes. Healthy old men who maintain a lifelong exercise program, have the same healthy insulin efficiency as young men. A high sugar diet, which progressively destroys insulin metabolism, makes it virtually mandatory to exercise if you want to avoid glucose intolerance as you grow older.

Most physicians believe that hardening of the arteries, a degenerative process, is inevitable. Dr. Lakatta at the National Institute on Aging Research Center in Baltimore, is showing in ongoing experiments, that regular exercise maintains arterial elasticity and even reverses arterial hardening that has already occurred.

I could fill many pages citing numerous bodily functions which are maintained by regular exercise. But I will keep it short. Research recently undertaken has revealed the major way in which exercise protects you against all diseases. It started with the evidence that exercise increases the overall number of white blood cells. Followed by more precise findings that moderate exercise increases bodily production of lymphocytes, interleukin 2, neutrophils and other disease fighting components of the immune system. There is no doubt that the right exercise strengthens your immunity. And it also strengthens your resistance to all forms of damage, decay, bacteria, viruses, toxins and even radiation. Closing with the wise words of Louis Pasteur, the father of modern medicine:“Host resistance is the key.”