Health & Nutrition #44 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Edition #44
Advances in Nutrition November 2015 Media Alert
Sleep Deprivation and Diet
Better Choices
The surest way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.
But if weight loss is so simple, why do I have so much trouble with it?!As it turns out, “eating less” is a very difficult task. Your body really wants those extra Calories, and you live in a world where food is very plentiful. Instead of foraging for your food, you’re literally bombarded with opportunities to eat, and every food manufacturer tries to seduce you with their latest, tastiest offerings. You quickly develop food cravings that willpower alone cannot overcome. To win your “war” against food, you need to learn more about what you’re eating...continue reading.….