Monthly Archives: September 2015

How to Exercise

Before  starting  any exercise program it is necessary to get an
approval from your doctor.Start easy,don’t take strenuous
weight programs in health clubs,which takes time out of your
working day. It takes too much of your time and becomes a burden.

Exercise should be part of your  daily routine to be successful.
It is better to exercise in the morning for twenty minutes than three
hours at a gym on the weekend.  Use your own body weight and
gravity,instead of machines, which provide ample resistance.

It’s best to progress gradual, there is no need  to work to your limit.
Don’t strain.  Your body  doesn’t need to be heated in order to
improve. The rhythms of nature are your limits.

Your exercise program has three goals. First and most important:
to maintain and increase your muscle mass.
Secondly: To maintain your cardiovascular system.
Thirdly: To maintain your flexibility.

The average person stiffens as he ages, increasing the risks of
strains and tendon, ligament and skeletal disorders.

When you have your doctor’s approval, you can do a little
aerobics to warm up the system and get your blood pumping.
Twenty minutes at even mild intensity will have cardiovascular
benefits. I recommends aerobics to begin with for everyone,
before you pick up weights.

Then 5-10 minutes stretching after your muscles are warm
is all you need to maintain flexibility lifelong.

Now you are prepared to exercise your muscles. Your program
should include resistance exercise for shoulders, arms, chest,
back, legs and abdominal. If you exercise three days per week,
which is the starting level for consistent benefit, then do:
Day 1  –  Shoulders and arms
Day 2  –  Chest and back
Day 3  –  Legs and abdominal
For  5 days per week, do one body part per day.

1) Never do more per exercise than one warm-up set of 12 – 15
easy repetitions, followed by one medium heavy set of 6 – 10
repetitions to exhaustion.

2) Work a body part only once per week. It takes about 48 hours
for exercised muscles to breakdown worn cells, then 48 – 72 hours
to build new, stronger replacements. The muscle remains at
maximum strength for 5 – 8 days and then slowly declines.
Exercising a muscle every 5 – 8 days is the optimum program
for progress.

3) Don’t train with weights for more than one hour per workout.
Your  ability  to gain lean mass,is limited by your hormone levels.
After 45 minutes to one hour,hormone levels decline.You can
force yourself to continue,but it doesn’t do your body any good.

4) Use a wide variety of exercises. Restricted resistance exercises,
especially on machines, stress only certain fibers of a muscle
in certain positions. You need to get all the fibers in all positions.

5) In one hour at two sets per exercise you can do 12 exercises
easily. Don’t force yourself to do more. For weight exercises,
see Bill Pearl’s book: The Encyclopedia on Weight Training and
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.

6) Accentuate the return phase of the repetition, when the muscle
in question is lengthening under load. In a barbell bicep curl for
example, the eccentric contraction occurs when you are lowering
the bar to the start position.

Restrain yourself all the way down, because it is the stress of
lengthening under load that causes most of the strength and
lean mass gains that you are seeking.

7)Take a protein drink daily within one hour after workout.
Research shows that weight training puts subjects into protein
deficit, despite the high protein level of the American diet.

8) Take daily antioxidant supplements. All exercise increases
oxidation in the body.

9) Eat an alkaline diet. All exercise increases body  acidity.
See the alkaline/acid food theory.

10) Sip a cold light carbohydrate drink (7-10%) throughout
workouts. Drinks containing a little glucose, a little zylitol plus
mostly glucose polymers are best. It will trickle carbohydrate
continuously into your blood and spare your muscle glycogen,
thereby maintaining your energy level.

It will also prevent dehydration. Even 3% dehydration can reduce
strength by 10%. And it will help to keep your body temperature
down, at the same time reducing the amount of blood diverted to
the skin for cooling, thus leaving more to supply your muscles
with oxygen and nutrients.

A final note about weight-bearing exercise: without the stimulus
to your body to grow, nutritional supplements can’t work properly.
Important new research published in the New England Journal
of Medicine shows, that multi-vitamin and mineral supplementation
had little effect in improving the health of old people, unless a
resistance exercise was added, the health benefits were astonishing,
ranging from over 100% improvement in strength and muscle size
to big improvements in mobility and recreational activity.

It takes a bit of puff and stick ability to grow a high-performance body.
But once you’ve done it, a little bit of exercise necessary to maintain
it is one of life’s greatest bargains.

Health & Nutrition #31 by Nutrobalance

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How to use resistance Bands for strength training.

Would you like to increase your metabolism so that your body will burn more calories throughout the day? Or maybe you are more interested in increasing the lean tissue on your body so that you can work harder, play longer, and have a decreased chance of a life-related injury. Strength training offers just that. But… read more……
Using This Raises Your Heart Attack and Stroke Risk By 30%
For many men in their 50s and 60s, that all too familiar dip in energy and sexual vigor is often a fact of life–and a clear sign of diminishing testosterone levels. For many healthcare professionals, though, the solution is clear: Have them take a testosterone supplement.   Read More »

Doctor Prescribes Plants for Health & Weight Loss

Up until three and a half years ago, I practiced medicine like most other primary care physicians. My day was filled with refilling prescriptions for … Continued
Jamie Oliver’s Recipe off the Day – Fantastic tomato & fennel salad with flaked barbecued fish  click here!.
More Health & Nutrition by Nutrobalance
The Truth about Gluten Free
How to Lower Your Cholesterol
Best Foods for Fat Burning

VENUS FACTOR: For Permanent Female Fat loss!

  Click Here!









Best Foods for Fat Burning

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

I couldn’t be any simpler with my nutrition recommendations for fat burning. You will get have the most energy and the best body and fitness level possible if you eat whole, natural foods. I always ask Dr. Chris Mohr, author of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines if I ever need help with nutrition information.

You must avoid processed foods, which is pretty much anything in a bag or a box. So cut out muffins, donuts, pre-packaged cereals, white bread, pasta, chips, crackers, cookies, etc.

We need to return to a time of simpler eating, focusing on fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It will take some “bad habit breaking” to rid yourself of your addiction to processed foods, but in your journey you will learn to appreciate the taste of REAL food again.

You don’t have to eat meat to lose fat and build muscle, but it’s not unhealthy to eat beef, chicken, and fish. In fact, fish contains essential fatty acids we can’t do without.

You might have heard about the importance of healthy fats, which is a big turn-around from the low-fat mentality of the 80’s and 90’s. We now know eating fish and nuts won’t make us fat, but will in fact make us healthy and help control our appetite.

So just focus on foods that haven’t been processed, and you’ll start to see changes in your body and energy levels in a matter of days. Get rid of the processed foods and you won’t be tired anymore!

I strongly believe nutrition is the MOST important factor in fat loss and in health. If you’re eating processed foods, trans-fats, and too many calories, you won’t get maximum benefits from your exercise program, no matter what you are doing. Nutrition can either heal you or kill you, so choose wisely. Fortunately, the right choices are the simple choices.

I’ve had clients that switched to whole, natural foods and almost overnight they’ve reported changes in their bodies and huge increases in mental energy. So stick with the simple nutrition approach for fat burning.

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss


How to lower Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance which occur naturally in our blood.
Our body makes cholesterol and we can also get it from food.
The level of cholesterol in our blood varies from person to person.
There is “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Too high level of “bad”
cholesterol is one of the riskfactors that can lead to heart disease.
Cholesterol can build up on the inside of our arteries,narrowing them
and making it harder for our blood to run through.
Narrow arteries can become blocked, stopping the flow of blood.
If an arterie feeding your heart becomes completely blocked,
you will have a heart attack.
Other risk factors are: high blood pressure , having diabetes and smoking.
Also men over 45 and women over 55 may be at increased risk of heart disease.
You may also have inhereted a gene from your parents that causes
high blood cholesterol.
The usual goal for cholesterol content is 5.0 MMOL/L. For some
it could be lower. Check with your doctor.
How to lower your blood cholesterol.

Step 1. Change your eating habits.
To keep your cholesterol level down you need new healthy eating habits.
Avoid foods containing saturated fat.
Eat plenty of rice, pasta, breakfast cereal, fruit, vegetables & legumes.
Eat a moderate amount of fish, lean meat, chicken, low-fat dairy products,
eggs ( no more then 2 to 3 per week) and nuts.
Small amounts of “bad” oils, margarines and alcohol.

Step 2. Medication.
For some people , changing their diet may not be enough and
it may be necessary to add a medicine to lower cholesterol.
Have your cholesterol level checked regularly by your doctor.

The Truth about Gluten Free

by  Gabrielle Maston

The popularity of gluten-free diets is exploding and we have seen many diet books published about the effects of gluten on the heart, digestive health and cancers. While there isn’t yet enough scientific evidence to support these claims, it is still worth looking into whether gluten-free is a passing fad or whether more people should be cutting gluten out as part of a healthy diet.

The low-down on gluten
Gluten is a protein found in certain grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Flours made from these grains form the basis of many common carbohydrates including pasta and bread. Gluten isn’t a nutrient, it’s the stickiness of the grain that binds it together.
There are a small percentage of people who need to cut out gluten for medical reasons. These include people with a food intolerances or coeliac disease, but this is by no means a blanket recommendation for everyone. For most people, avoiding gluten provides no real benefits.
At the same time, it is true that more people are being diagnosed with food intolerances and coeliac disease. However, this is mainly due to more awareness rather than increased intolerance among the population.
If you suspect you have a food intolerance or coeliac disease, you should contact your local dietitian or doctor for professional help on treating the issue.
Gluten-free doesn’t make it calorie-free
A common mistake that is made when cutting out gluten is to give all other food free rein. Often when cutting out gluten, dieters will substitute old comfort foods with more pre-packaged, highly processed cakes, biscuits and pastries – albeit gluten-free!
Gluten-free products can often have more calories, preservatives, sugar and fat than their gluten-laden counterparts. Different ingredients are used to replicate the binding action that occurs naturally in gluten to make gluten-free products stick together. These products are usually lower in fibre because they are made from high fat alternatives like almond meal, coconut flour and rice flour.
Cutting out gluten is by no means a magic pill.
The verdict on going gluten-free
The problem is that when you cut out gluten you are excluding a large majority of healthy grains available to you. Whole grains that include gluten contain a fantastic array of vitamins and minerals such as B-vitamins, fiber and iron. Wholewheat, oats, rye, and barley are all high fiber grains that are slow releasing.
Gluten-free carbohydrates like potato, rice and corn are all fast releasing, and lower fibre options. If you need to go gluten-free for medical reasons, try to include low GI whole food alternatives where possible like amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, sweet potato or wild rice. Tap into legumes like lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans and broad beans for sources of high fibre low GI carbs.
More importantly, following a gluten-free diet pushes an unnecessary preoccupation on the food you are eating. Food is meant to be a source of enjoyment and fuel for the body. A normal healthy diet consisting of mainly plants, whole grains, lean meat and fish proteins will give you all the health benefits you need. You could even say a balanced, wholesome diet is the best thing before sliced bread!
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