How to lower Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance which occur naturally in our blood.
Our body makes cholesterol and we can also get it from food.
The level of cholesterol in our blood varies from person to person.
There is “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Too high level of “bad”
cholesterol is one of the riskfactors that can lead to heart disease.
Cholesterol can build up on the inside of our arteries,narrowing them
and making it harder for our blood to run through.
Narrow arteries can become blocked, stopping the flow of blood.
If an arterie feeding your heart becomes completely blocked,
you will have a heart attack.
Other risk factors are: high blood pressure , having diabetes and smoking.
Also men over 45 and women over 55 may be at increased risk of heart disease.
You may also have inhereted a gene from your parents that causes
high blood cholesterol.
The usual goal for cholesterol content is 5.0 MMOL/L. For some
it could be lower. Check with your doctor.
How to lower your blood cholesterol.

Step 1. Change your eating habits.

To keep your cholesterol level down you need new healthy eating habits.
Avoid foods containing saturated fat.
Eat plenty of rice, pasta, breakfast cereal, fruit, vegetables & legumes.
Eat a moderate amount of fish, lean meat, chicken, low-fat dairy products,
eggs ( no more then 2 to 3 per week) and nuts.
Small amounts of “bad” oils, margarines and alcohol.
Step 2. Medication.
For some people , changing their diet may not be enough and
it may be necessary to add a medicine to lower cholesterol.
Have your cholesterol level checked regularly by your doctor.