There is nothing more beneficial than a good nights sleep and there is a great physiological need for it if the individual likes to feel refreshed and
alert during the following day.
Sleep is also important for your memory and learning capacity and possibly for maintaining a good immune system. But there are still many unanswered questions regarding the function of sleep.
This is possibly best explained with the fact that people suffering from insomnia also suffer from reduced concentration, reduced menory and decreased ability to accomplish daily tasks.
They are also at greater risk for work related accidents and road accidents, many sick days, increased use of healthcare services and a lower perceived quality of life.
Insomnia is usually perceived as related to not getting enough sleep,which means that the person either has trouble falling or staying asleep.However, poor quality of sleep, whereby the sufferer wakes up feeling unrefreshed, even after sufficient hours spent sleeping, is a common complaint, especially
by elderly people.
Melatonin is a naturally occuring hormone in the brain, manufactured by the pineal gland and secreted at night. It is quickly degraded, but by being continuously secreted all through the night, it acts like a sleep regulator and ‘signal of darkness’ in humans. However the natural production of melatonin tends to decrease with age. specially in elderly suffering from insomnia, the production of melatonin is decreased compared to elderly with no sleep problems.
Research has proven that melatonin, when taken in small doses of 0.1 milligram, can decrease the effects of jetlag, like sleeping difficulties and tiredness. The pil has to be taken just before bed time on the place of destination and after arrival a few days, again just before going to bed.
Because melatonin is a natural product, it can be sold at the chemist in small concentrations of 0.1 milligram, which has hardly any affect. You can’t get adicted to melatonin and most people feel better during daytime.
Circadin, a sustained-release melatonin, is a new treatment paradigm in the management of primary insomnia in patients aged 55 years or over. A novel sleep drug, the first in a new class, Circadin provides natural sleep for patients with insomnia, offering an effective and save treatment for their
sleep difficulties because it improves sleep quality, with a far superior safety and tolerability profile.
However, according to the authorities, circadin doesn’t work equally effective for everybody.
Circadin contains 2 milligram of melatonin. Sleep occurs quicker with improved quality of life and better fuctionality during daytime.