Tag Archives: metabolism


It’s a sad fact that about one-third of American adults are overweight. But people can change that by adopting a lifestyle with the right diet.
It’s important to know how fat is deposited in the body, so that you
understand how to make the body lose it. Your body needs food to obtain the necessary energy to function and feed its cells.
The calories in food have energy, commonly referred to as calories.
The more calories food contains, the more fuel the body can obtain from it.

In order to use the energy from the food, your body has to digest the food first. The process of digestion causes the body to burn some old energy to get the new energy from the food.
More energy/calories are burned if it’s more difficult to digest the food.
The body’s fuel is categorized as protein, carbohydrates or fats. This fuel nourishes the body and keeps the body functioning. The left over calories are eventually stored in the fat cells. Your body uses a part of the foods fuel for nutrition. The excess fuel is eventually stored up as fat in the “fat cells” of your body, around the kidneys and liver.

Fat cells are often deposited in the chest, hips and waist region. As the cells become bigger, your physique acquires a doughy look. The body has a limited number of fat cells, and there is only so much fat these cells can store. Once the threshold is reached, fat begins to accumulate in the muscle lining of your arms and thighs, creating
unsightly, flabby limbs.

All foods can create fat, but certain foods can actually help burn fat. Some foods have minerals or vitamins that raise metabolism and act as virtual fat burners. There are negative calorie foods with low calories that burn extra calories during digestion.
Other foods, even if you eat them in small quantities, gives you a feeling of fullness.They contain very little calories.
You will significantly reduce the fat profile of your body if you consume the right whole foods.
By eating these fat burning foods at the right time, in the correct amount, the body fat profile starts to reduce. Add in foods that lower the likelihood of fat depositing in your body for an extra boost.

Here is a list of everyday foods that double as secret fat burners.
Poultry Salmon , Tuna, Citrus Fruits,Apples, Berries, Oatmeal, Vegetables, Beans, Eggs, Almonds & Walnuts, Pine Nuts


Mustard, Onions, Coconut Oil, Hot Peppers, Green Tea

Help your body to reduce fat deposits by drinking more water.
The kidneys do not function correctly without enough water intake.
If they don’t work properly, some of the load is discarded to the liver. If the liver is doing the kidney’s work, it can’t concentrate on its’
main job of metabolizing fat. More fat will remain in the body and fat burning stops. So drinking the right amount of water improves metabolism and keeps your fat burning at full capacity. Water also flushes out toxins and improves the body’s ability to stay healthy.


Muscles keep your metabolism active and help burning calories.
Adding muscle improves your body’s fat composition ratio.
Because muscles are an active tissue that continually renews itself,
it always needs calories. While normal cardio burns fat only during the exercise, weight training builds muscle to ensure that body fat continues to burn throughout the day. The main source of energy for muscles is fat. So, even when relaxing or sleeping, you continue to
burn calories. The more muscle mass on your frame the more positive effect on your metabolism.It’s important to do weight resistant exercises to build muscle and to avoid your metabolism from getting sluggish and packing on fat.

Now you have the secrets to a beautiful toned body in the palm of your hands. The only thing standing in the way of a lean sexy physique is you. Adopt these fat burning secrets into your lifestyle and you will see results in a matter of weeks. The right diet plan will show you how to combine the fat burning foods to keep your body melting away the

There are countless delicious recipes to make the switch painless. Add a weight lifting exercise regime and you will sculpt your body into an object of desire. The new you is ready to emerge.

You can read full details about how to loose weight by clicking here!

Best Weight loss Program

For a weight loss program to be able to claim to be the “Best Weight loss Program” on the market, we have to be able to guarantee that the different systems used in this “Best Weight loss Program” really delivers success and satisfies the demands of all different types of people.

It’s not complicated to become lean, if you know how your body works.
Body fat is dependent on life style.

There are three main keys to losing fat and gaining muscle, and you can’t
miss any of them.

1. The only way you can lose weight ever is to eat less calories than you burn off.
2. Do high repetition, wide-variety resistance exercises
3. Eat enough protein to maintain muscle mass.

First we have to distinguish the difference between male and female, which is explained in “The Venus Factor”. It is designed to increase female metabolism, based on the fact that everything to do with weight loss for both men and women, is controlled by the Leptin hormone.

Then we have to take into account, that there are three body types, based on a person’s metabolism.
We can distinguish the Endomorphs: they have a rather slow working metabolism.
Then there are the Mesomorphs, with a higher metabolism, and the third type are the Ectomorphs,with the highest metabolism. The last group could eat anything without gaining any weight.
They need more carbohydrates and less protein, but the same amount of fat.

According to a nutritionist, Charlie Remington, a lack of exercise was not America’s overweight problem, but rather three mistakes in people’s eating habits:
1. not portioning foods properly
2. eating poor quality foods
3. not eating frequently enough, preferable four to five times a day, small portions of food.

Another factor to be taken into account is the Glycemic Index (GI)
The GI is a classification of carbohydrates based on their potential for raising blood glucose levels. Those foods that result in a rapid rise in blood sugar and therefor in insulin, have a high Glycemic Index. Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly and consequently only cause moderate increase in blood sugar, have a low Glycemic Index.

The Glycemic Load (GL) is a more accurate way to assess the impact 0f carbohydrate consumption that takes the Glycemic Index into account, but gives a fuller picture than does Glycemic Index alone. A GI value tells you only how rapidly a particular carbohydrate turns into sugar.
It doesn’t tell you how much of that carbohydrate is in a serving of a particular food.
You need to know both things to understand a food’s effect on blood sugar.

Short term fasting, a 24-hour fast, once or twice per week can be a great way to get you into total calorie deficit for the week. Eliminating two full days of eating help to consume fewer calories than we use, and that in turn can help us to reach our goal of weight loss.

In order to get the classification of “Best Weight loss Program”, we have to add some other systems to make up our total picture.

First we have a program called: “Old School, New Body”.
It claims that you should never workout more than 90 minutes per week.
Also “slow go” cardio is OLD news and extremely ineffective when compared to short-burst intense exercise, and there are three studies to support this.

1. A 30-minute circuit style resistance training session was put to test.
The result was a 38 hour increase in metabolism, thanks to massive AFTERBURN.

2. This study showed that those who added short burst intense exercise to a reduced calorie diet burned up to 44% more fat than those who dieted alone.

3. The last study compared slow-go aerobic exercise to short burst intense resistance training and found that the resistance group lost significantly more fat without losing ANY lean muscle, even at an extremely low calorie intake.

The 3 Week Diet
This product promises the fast results that most dieters want: 23 pounds in just 3 weeks!
It’s based on the fact that at certain times of the day, your metabolism is burning at it’s peak. And those are the times you should eat to burn fat.

The system is so accurate and efficient that some people are able to lose up to 1 pound a day! Combined with a few extra types of foods, this diet is FOOL PROOF!

The next system I like to introduce is called: “The E-Factor Diet”.
It’s based on the fact that some foods you can eat in the morning, that are guaranteed to turn your fat burning switch to ON as soon as you wake up.

Then there is a special diet for men. Men want to fight aging, have better romantic lives and more energy. The key to much of this is: increasing their testosterone levels.
Not as a “body builder”type of way, but just a return to normal levels experienced in younger years, but with simple changes to men’s diet, that will naturally increase testosterone levels.
Testosterone is an important factor when it comes to burning fat and building muscle.

The “Fat Loss Factor” promote eating natural food. There is the #1 food ingredient that secretly makes us fat. It’s High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), which is a man-made sweetener, cheaper than sugar.
It travels straight to the liver, which turns this sugarly liquid into FAT.
It doesn’t cause the pancreas to produce insulin. As a result, our bodies are “tricked” into a vicious circle, eating food that gets immediately stored as fat and never feeling full.

This fact is associated with blood sugar problems. ADD/ADHD depression, fatigue, B vitamin deficiency, indigestion, tooth decay, and most importantly: WEIGHT GAIN!
The “Fat loss Factor” tells you how to avoid this problem.

Finally, there is another “quick solution” for fat loss. It’s the “14 Days Rapid Fat Loss Program”.
This plan encourage people to eat carbohydrates and makes them to work by using Macro Patterning. It shows you how to eat carbohydrates which never get stored as fat.

This conclude the “Best Weight loss Program”. I have included the most important factors associated with weight loss. I’m open for any comments regarding this “Best Weight loss Program” or anything I may have forgotten to include in this program.

Revving Your Lean Machine: The Truth about Soreness

When you first started working out, you probably hated it. Soreness hurts! But as you progressed, you no doubt embraced it—most of us consider it a signal that we’ve done our diligence and stimulated plenty of muscle growth. But is that true?

The fact is, there are no studies connecting muscle soreness to hypertrophy. Okay, don’t stop reading yet; you will get some good stuff from being a bit sore–and you’ll probably even want to strive for it. But first you need to know what causes muscle soreness.

It’s believed that the pain is caused by microtrauma in muscle fibers—and it’s primarily triggered by the negative, or eccentric, stroke of an exercise—like when you lower a bench press, squat or curl rep.

Once your body repairs those microtears, it follows that the muscle should grow larger; however, that trauma is in the myofibrils, the force-generating actin and myosin strands in the fiber. Those strands grab onto and pull across one another to cause muscular contraction. When you control the negative stroke of a rep, there is friction as those strands drag across each other in an attempt to slow movement speed to prevent injury—and that dragging, it’s believed, is what inflicts the microtrauma.

That’s a simplification, but you get the idea. So it appears that some growth can occur after muscle soreness is repaired, but it’s in the myofibrils. More and more research is beginning to show that those force-generating strands do not contribute the majority of muscle size; serious mass comes via sarcoplasmic expansion. That’s the “energy fluid” in the fibers that’s filled with glycogen (from carbs), ATP, calcium, noncontractile proteins, etc.

So if soreness is an indication of only small amounts of muscle growth, why strive for it? Well, even small amounts of growth contribute to overall mass. Most of us want every fraction we can scrape up. But the real reason to seek some soreness is to burn more fat.

When the myofibrils are damaged by emphasizing the eccentric, the body attempts to repair them as quickly as possible. That repair process takes energy, a lot of which comes from body fat. The process usually takes many days, so your metabolism is stoked to a higher level for 48 hours or more, helping you get leaner faster. (Note: High-intensity interval training, like sprints alternated with slow jogs, damages muscle fibers during the intense intervals, the sprints, which is why HIIT burns more fat in the long run than steady-state cardio where no muscle damage occurs.)

Do you need heavy negative-only sets to get that extra bit of size and metabolic momentum? That’s one way, but negative-accentuated, or X-centric, sets may be a better, safer way.

For an X-centric set you take a somewhat lighter poundage than your 10RM and raise the weight in one second and lower it in six. That one-second-positive/six-second-negative cadence does some great things, starting with myofibrillar trauma for some soreness. While you’re coping with that extra post workout muscle pain, remember that it can build the myofibrils and that it’s stoking your metabolism during the repair process for more fat burning.

The second BIG advantage is sarcoplasmic expansion. At seven seconds per rep and eight reps per set, you get almost an entire minute of tension time (seven times eight is 56 seconds). A TUT of 50 to 60 seconds is something most bodybuilders never get—which is a shame because that’s optimal stress for an anabolic cascade and this is the perfect way to train as you age. I call it Old School New Body!

You can do an X-centric set after your heavy pyramid—if you’re into heavy training. In other words, use it as a backoff set.

If you’re more into moderate-poundage, high-fatigue mass building, as I am with the F4X method featured in the Old School New Body method, you can use X-centric as the last set of the sequence. Reduce the weight and do a one-up-six-down cadence. You’ll get sore, build some extra size and—bonus—burn for fat. How great is that?

Till next time, stay tuned, train smart and be Built for Life.

Steve Holman
