Tag Archives: colds and flu

Vitamin C Essential for Good Health

The benefits of Vitamin C go beyond the generally known relieve of colds and flu.
It also helps the body to make collagen, a tough, fibrous protein that helps to build
connective tissue, skin, bones, and teeth, and it also plays a role in wound healing.

There is also some evidence that foods high in vitamin C and other antioxidants can
reduce the inflammation from asthma and return the airways to normal.
I refer to Nutrition Facts.org and my page: nutrition

Doctors believed for many years that osteoarthritis was a “natural” result of wear an tear
on the joints. Researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine studied the eating
habits of people with osteoarthritis of the knee. They found that those getting the most
vitamin C – more than 200 milligrams per day – were three times less likely to have the
disease get worse than those who got the least.

Vitamin C also has been shown to help prevent cancer-causing compounds from forming
in the digestive tract. Gladys Block PhD, professor of epidemiology and public health
nutrition at the University of California, Berkeley, analyzed dozens of studies that looked
at the relationship between vitamin C and cancer. From the 44 studies she examined, 33
showed that people who consumed the most of this vitamin  had the lowest risk of cancer.

If you have diabetes, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and E may be your ticket to healthier eyes, nerves, and blood vessels.These vitamins are known as antioxidants.
They help protect your body’s cells against free radicals, naturally occur  cell-damaging
molecules that may pose particular risks to people with diabetes.

People who are suffering from rheumatism also need Vitamin C
This vitamin strengthens the connective tissue which hold the cells together.
Connective tissue forms the sinews, ligaments, and cartilage of the body.
When this vitamin is lacking, the connective tissue loses its tone and loses its defense
against harmful bacteria and viruses.
Strong connective tissue protect the cells against infection.

Vitamin C also strengthens the blood vessel walls and it is the capillaries
that are affected most by a vitamin C deficiency.
When this happens, the capillaries break down and blood leaks from them
into the tissues. These tiny haemorrhages occur also in the joints, and
causes rheumatic pain. (When capillaries break near the surface of the skin,
the escaping blood discolors the skin and results in a bruise.
The capillaries exist in such an abundance in the human body, that if the
capillaries of one man were stretched out in a single line, they would reach
two and a half times around the earth!

With every type of disease the capillaries will be harmed and conversely,
by strengthening them, every diseased state will be helped.
The capillaries supply food, oxygen, and hormones to every cell in the body.
They also remove waste products from metabolism and disease.
When the capillaries are strong, the risk of infection is greatly reduced and
infections are quickly thrown off.

Male Infertility
If men don’t get enough vitamin C,  sperm lose some of their forward momentum.
They get sticky and start clumping together, a  problem doctors call agglutination.
Once men start getting more vitamin C, however, sperm increase in number   and
quickly pick up speed.

Getting more vitamin C is particularly important for men who smoke.
Studies have shown that smokers who get extra vitamin C in their diets  will have
healthier, more active sperm than those who don’t.

Vitamin C is also essential for healthy bone formation and people suffering
from hay fever may also benefit.

Sources of Vitamin C are broccoli  , a half cup contains 58 milligrams,
a half cup cantaloupe contains 34 milligrams and a medium-size navel orange
has 80 milligrams , which is 133% of the Daily Allowance .


Symptoms of Toxaemia

Toxaemia comes in different levels of intensity, ranging from minor to major.
The first thing people like to know is how toxic they are.
Unfortunately that is not easy to determine. It is quite possible to be in a ‘polluted’ state without being aware that there is anything wrong.

Iridology will probably give us the most reliable indication (analysis of the iris of the eye), when conducted by a skilled practitioner.

However, there are certain signs that a person can look for to get an idea.
Some of the most obvious ones that could be present are:

  • Constantly feeling unwell, of color, a bit ‘crook’
  • Always tired, as though your batteries were flat. The extreme case is chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Repeated minor ailments, like colds and headaches. You appear to ‘pick up’ infections easily.
  • It’s an effort to drag yourself out of bed in the morning and you need coffee to get going.
  • The breath is off and it’s not due to problems with teeth.
  • There is body odor that returns soon after showering.
  • The yongue is coated, especially first thing in the morning.
  • Wound healing is poor; the smallest cuts become inflamed and remain so for days.
  • There are persistent aches and pains that are not due to physical injury or muscle or joint strain.
  • There is degenerative disease.

Colds and flu are our safety valve.
If the toxins in our system would continue to build up, it would be life threatening at the end. But our well designed and incredibly complex human body will be able to cope with adversity and does not allow this to happen.
Instead, when its tolerance limit is reached, our body opens up an emergency channel of elimination to siphon off some of the toxaemia.

Usually, toxins are sent to mucous membranes in the nose, which are conveniently located close to the exterior. The mucous membranes become highly irritated, inflamed, swollen and painful, and mucus is secreted abundantly to literally wash wastes out of the body.
This process is normally called the common cold, or influenza, when more severe.

The same process can take place in other parts of the body under different names.
If it occurs in the voice box, it is called laryngitis; in the bronchial tubes, bronchitis; in the lungs, pneumonia ;in the stomach, gastritis; in the small intestine, enteritis; and in the bowel, colitis. These are all different names for the same basic process: an emergency elimination via mucous membranes. If the elimination is via the skin, where mucous membranes are not involved, the condition will be called dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and so on.

After the elimination has finished, the body is able to function at a higher level with more energy,  that means; more normally. The person feels better than before, as if they have had an inner spring clean – and that’s what happened indeed. The symptoms of acute disease are simply the external visible signs of tissue cleansing and self-healing at work restoring the status quo.

In my next article we will discuss what part germs play in the causes of disease.