
I know this is a delicate subject for many men, but it is specially important for men
over 50. Up to 30 million American men, getting and maintaining an erection is an
persistent problem. Commonly known as impotence, doctors now call this condition:
Erectile dysfunction. Although, it doesn’t have to be that way.
“Men shouldn’t lose potency while getting older. There are age-related diseases that men
develop that can lead to difficulty in getting an erection, but if men are healthy, they
should be able to function all of their lives.” According to Drogo K. Montague, M.D.
Director of the center for Sexual Function at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
Just to give you some examples: Gary Grant fathered a daughter at age 62.
Clint Easwood had a baby girl at 67.Charlie Chaplin had a son at 73 and
Antony Quinn had his 13th child at age 81!!

Estimates of impotence vary widely which makes the statistics nearly meaningless,
which says something about truth in reporting when it comes to this delicate subject.
Older men are more apt to have diabetes, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
and other physical ailments that reduce blood flow to the penis.
problems. But anxiety, depression, and other psychological woes can also contribute
to the problem, says Dr. Montague.

For decades, older men whose sex lives were limp, slack or nonexistent because of
impotence faced some pretty grim choices: go without, use cumbersome vacuum pumps,
or inject erection-inducing drugs directly into their penises.
Then came the pill that recharged the sexual revolution among older Americans.
As easy as taking an aspirin, sildenafil citrate ( Viagra) quickly became known for
its ability to restore a man’s erections even after decades of impotence.
In its first three months on the U.S. market in 1998, doctors wrote more than two
million prescriptions for this “miracle drug”, making it the most successful new
pharmaceutical on record.

The drug work wonders for about 80% of men, stimulating blood flow to the penis and
jump-starting long-lost erections. But for nearly one in three men, particularly those
with diabetes and other health conditions that damage nerves in the penis, this medication
may not help as much.A warning for people who are taking nitroglycerin or related
nitrate-containing drugs. They should never take Viagra. When taken together, Viagra
and nitrates cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure, and some men have died from
this side effect, according to Roger Crenshaw, M.D. psychiatrist and sex therapist in
private practice in La Jolla, California. Other drugs may cause problems, so make sure
to let your doctor know about any drugs you are taking, including over-the-counter
products, before taking Viagra.

Fluff up the pillows
Impotence can be triggered by boredom in the bedroom, says Roger Crenshaw.
Take a few moments to think about your sex life. Try some other variations if you
got stuck in the same routine for years. How to you feel about kissing and foreplay?
Where do you have sex? In the bedroom? In the shower?
Often just changing when, where and how you have sex can be erotic enough to
revive your potency. So experiment. Try new positions and tough your spouse
in ways you never have before or try some role-playing games if your spouse is game.

Ask for a healing touch
When men get older they need more physical stimulation to get and maintain erections,
explains Dr Crenshaw. So ask your spouse to take some time to touch and play with
your genitals and other erotic areas of your body.

Turn off the pressure
If you do have difficulty getting an erection, don’t dwell on it.Obsessing about impotence
could make you worry so much that you’ll have performance anxiety, which leads to
impotence, which make you worry more, which leads to more anxiety.
So break the vicious circle and treat it casually. Shrug it off.

To relieve the tension, avoid having intercourse the next few times you and your partner
are intimate, even if you get an erection, Dr. Crenshaw suggests.
Instead hug,kiss, caress, and do other things you enjoy. Satisfy your spouse but avoid
touching each other’s genitals.
“If intercourse becomes an overarching goal, sex ceases to be fun.. And when sex
ceases to be fun, that’s where the trouble begins”. Dr. Crenshaw says.

Avoid smoking
Smoking kills erections. Each time you light up a cigaret, you are risking to damage
your arteries, you also restrict blood flow to the penis.And without enough blood,
you’re not going to be a rocket man. Even if you’ve been smoking for years,
quitting now can help you to restore your potency.

Stop wine-ing
Alcohol is a depressant that slows down reflexes, including sexual ones.
Drink no more than one drink, which is a 12-ounce beer, a 5 ounce glass of wine,
or 1 1/2 ounce shot of liquor a day if you want to keep your erections as you
get older, Dr. Crenshaw says.

Get plenty of exercise
You are less likely to loose your potency when you are fit. Regular aerobic exerrcise
like walking and swimming helps keep your arteries healthy, and that includes the
arteries that supply the penis, according to Dr. Montague.
Try to fit some running into your daily routine, ideally, 15 to 20 minutes three times
a week. But check with your doctor before you start a new exercise program.

Reduce fat in your diet

Dietary fat can cause clogging of your arteries all over your body. So what’s good
for your heart is also good for your penis. To stay potent, reduce the fat in your diet
to about 20% of total calories. That means if you eat 2000 calories a day, you can
eat up to 44 grams of fat. To get started in the right direction ,read food labels.
Avoid fried food, look for low-fat and nonfat products. Switch to fat-free milk.

Get a good night sleep
difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep through the night. Try to get at least
six to eight hours of sleep a night. If you’re tired, even a 30 minute nap before sex
can improve your changes of getting an erection.

Be informed
There are plenty of books available that can help you learn about sexual techniques,
eroticism, and how to overcome impotence, Dr. Cranshaw says.
As a start, Dr. Cranshaw recommends the timeless classic:The Joy of Sex by
Alex Comfort, M.D. You also may like to check out : A Lifetime of Sex:
The Ultimate Manual on Sex, Women, and relationships for every stage of a Man’s
Life by Stephen C. George and K. Winston Caine. These and other books can be
purchased by mail order or found in a bookstore or library. .