Health & Nutrition #98 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????     EDITION #98

Can Diet Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

Experts are studying how diet may affect the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Learn the latest research into this memory-robbing disease.
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High cholesterol triggers mitochondrial oxidative stress leading to osteoarthritis

October 14, 2016
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
High cholesterol might harm more than our cardiovascular systems. New research using animal models suggests that high cholesterol levels trigger mitochondrial oxidative stress on cartilage cells, causing them to die, and ultimately leading to the development of osteoarthritis.   continue reading……

Are Raisins a Good Snack Choice?


Raisins, like all fruits, have a variety of health benefits, but dried fruit is higher in calories per serving than fresh, so might they contribute to weight gain? A study done by the University of Connecticut helped set people’s minds at ease. Men and women were assigned to consume a cup of raisins a day for six weeks and were able to successfully offset the consumption of other foods in their diets such that they experienced no significant change in weight or waist circumference. What about in kids? I explore that in the video, Are Raisins Good Snacks for Kids?.

When asking me for fat loss nutrition advice, a lot of people are surprised when I say that eating at restaurants isn’t necessarily unhealthy and shouldn’t always be avoided. Let’s look at breakfast as an example:

Home breakfast: Cereal and orange juice

Many westerners (hopefully not you if you’re a regular reader of this website!) eat heavily processed breakfast cereals each morning, along with orange juice to provide ‘nutrition’.      continue reading…..

The Value of Cellulose

October 17, 2016Health & Nutritioncellulose, constipation Edit

The virtue of foods rich in cellulose is that, once they have parted with their nutrients, the cellulose remains and , as it is capable of holding water like a sponge, it encourage speristaltic action and also prevent the drying out of food debris which causes constipation.      continue reading..

Jamie Oliver’s Recipe of the Day – Insanely good oxtail stew   click here!!
