Monthly Archives: October 2016

Health & Nutrition #98 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????     EDITION #98

Can Diet Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

Experts are studying how diet may affect the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Learn the latest research into this memory-robbing disease.
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High cholesterol triggers mitochondrial oxidative stress leading to osteoarthritis

October 14, 2016
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
High cholesterol might harm more than our cardiovascular systems. New research using animal models suggests that high cholesterol levels trigger mitochondrial oxidative stress on cartilage cells, causing them to die, and ultimately leading to the development of osteoarthritis.   continue reading……

Are Raisins a Good Snack Choice?


Raisins, like all fruits, have a variety of health benefits, but dried fruit is higher in calories per serving than fresh, so might they contribute to weight gain? A study done by the University of Connecticut helped set people’s minds at ease. Men and women were assigned to consume a cup of raisins a day for six weeks and were able to successfully offset the consumption of other foods in their diets such that they experienced no significant change in weight or waist circumference. What about in kids? I explore that in the video, Are Raisins Good Snacks for Kids?.

When asking me for fat loss nutrition advice, a lot of people are surprised when I say that eating at restaurants isn’t necessarily unhealthy and shouldn’t always be avoided. Let’s look at breakfast as an example:

Home breakfast: Cereal and orange juice

Many westerners (hopefully not you if you’re a regular reader of this website!) eat heavily processed breakfast cereals each morning, along with orange juice to provide ‘nutrition’.      continue reading…..

The Value of Cellulose

October 17, 2016Health & Nutritioncellulose, constipation Edit

The virtue of foods rich in cellulose is that, once they have parted with their nutrients, the cellulose remains and , as it is capable of holding water like a sponge, it encourage speristaltic action and also prevent the drying out of food debris which causes constipation.      continue reading..

Jamie Oliver’s Recipe of the Day – Insanely good oxtail stew   click here!!


The Value of Cellulose

The virtue of foods rich in cellulose is that, once they have parted with their nutrients,
the cellulose remains and , as it is capable of holding water like a sponge, it encourages
peristaltic action and also prevent the drying out of food debris which causes constipation.

A moment’s consideration of the dietary adopted in most civilized countries, reveals
that it is excessively constipating because of it’s relative lack of cellulose.
These foods are meat, fish, eggs, boiled potatoes, white bread, biscuits, cake,
confectionery, processed breakfast serials, jams, sandwiches , etc.

Vitamin B1, which helps to stimulate the peristaltic action of the intestines,
is notoriously lacking in the diet of constipated people.

The foods containing cellulose are the fruits, both fresh and dried, and vegetables –
particularly such salad vegetables as lettuce and celery.
Potatoes do not contain much cellulose , a mere 3.1% against 18% by cabbage and
25% by pears. At the other extreme is white flour, with less than a half per cent
of cellulose.

Prunes are rich in cellulose and those subject to constipation are advised to soak
six to eight good quality prunes in a cup of water overnight, and eat them on rising,
then drink two glasses of water.
Wheatgerm promotes muscular tone and regular bowel activity, and this food
should be eaten as breakfast instead of processed cereals, and plenty of fluid
should be taken during the day.

Exercises to Prevent Constipation
The following simple exercises are helpful for those who suffer from constipation.
1. Squat down, knees bent, back held straight, then arise to an erect posture again.
Do this a few times each day.
2. Hold both arms straight out at right angles to the body and walk on tiptoes.
This pulls in the abdominal muscles.
3. This exercise can be done before rising.
Lie flat on the back and bring the thighs back against the chest as far as possible.
4. Place hands on hips, with the body erect, to circle from the hips six times
in each direction.

Health & Nutrition #97 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????      Edition #97

Younger onset dementia

Dementia mainly affects older people. But people under 65 can still develop dementia – this is called younger onset dementia. It has been diagnosed in people in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.

Younger onset dementia is similar to other types of dementia in many ways. The same problems generally occur. But it can a different impact, because it appears when people are more likely to be employed full time, be raising a family or be financially responsible for a family.   continue reading……

Eat, move, and
live better.

Change your body, and your life, with personal advice from the world’s best nutrition coaches and fitness experts.

Water: an Essential Nutrient

We humans need to drink a fair amount of water everyday in order to stay healthy. Thirst should tell us how much pure water we need. However, the thirst mechanism has usually been distorted by the taste of coffee, soft drinks etc. and the ‘busyness’ of our lives, where we don’t even notice the desire for water. Water needs vary greatly. We require much more when physically active in summer than when we sit indoors in winter. A concentrated diet generates greater need for water than a lot of fruit and salads.Eight glasses a day of pure water may be fine on an average times this may be excessive, but at other times, like on hot dry days when we are active, we may require much more.

Take fluid at least 30 minutes before a meal or after the stomach has emptied of food, which typically takes two to four hours.It’s better to avoid drinking with meals, as it interferes with the digestion process.

Our bodies contain about 60% to 70% water, It is the medium for most of the chemical changes in the body that are the basis of life. Without enough water we become dehydrated and often we don’t realize it.

Dehydration producing as little as 1% decrease in body weight has significant effects, according to Health Science magazine. Early signs include headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, flushed skin, heat intolerance, light headedness, dry mouth and eyes, burning sensation in the stomach and dark urine with a strong odor.

With mild dehydration there may be impaired physical and mental performance, less saliva, heart problems and an increased risk of certain cancers.-

Because of the volume we need to consume, purity is essential. We have to ensure that the town water we drink is free from chloride, fluoride, heavy metals, aluminum and pesticides, which are the most harmful substances in our water supply. There may also be traces of other nasties in it, including pesticides. Some of the chlorine breaks down to form traces of chloroform, which was once used as an anaestetic, until it was discovered that it causes cancer of the liver and kidneys. The US Council of Environmental Quality has estimated that the general cancer risk is doubled by drinking chlorinated water.

Fluoride in drinking water also causes harmful effects on the body, including bone strength, thyroid issues, brain development in children and is an enzyme poison. The chemical used to fluoride your water is hexa fluorosillicic, a waste product of the fertilizer manufacturing industry. Since 1990 over 280 communities around the world have rejected water fluoridation and are now fluoride free. Western Australia is trying to get fluoride out of the water supply for years, without getting any approval from the Government. It is very hard or almost impossible to filter fluoride out of the tap water, even with a high quality reversed osmosis filter!

Aluminum is added in the form of alum to cause sidements to flocculate and settle out. Because of the persistent link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease, it’s use around the world is declining, and Sydney Water and other state authorities are no longer using it. Earthworks can cause aluminum to leach out of clay and enter the water supply, as has been the case with Sydney’s Warragamba Dam.

Long hot showers generate so much chloroform so that a person can inhale just as much during a 10-minute shower as by drinking two liters of chlorinated water. Indoor swimming pools, especially if they are heated, may expose swimmers to high levels of chloroform, as there is no wind to blow the gases away.

For showering, install a shower filter device. If used with a AAA-rated shower head (restricts flow to less than 9 liters/minute), you will save hot water that will easily pay for the cost of the filter.

If there is no shower filter, ensure the bathroom window is wide open and use a fan if installed, for plenty of air circulation.


Health & Nutrition #96 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   Edition #96

Plant-Based On a Budget: Food Guide to Eating Well & Loving It

By Vicki Brett-Gach October 5, 2016


Plant-Based On a Budget: How to Eat Well and Love Your Food

So, you are convinced. Eating a diet rich in whole plant-based foods makes brilliant sense for your personal health, the welfare of animals and for the future of our planet.

It’s time to dive in, but where do you start? How can you make meal preparation easy and delicious? And how in the world can you shop for groceries without straining your wallet?

It can be simpler than you may expect.

In fact, armed with a few clever strategies you might just be surprised that you can eat more delectably than ever on a very modest budget.   continue reading…..

Cardiovascular risk factor prevention should be addressed at all ages

September 29, 2016
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Older adults can develop cardiovascular risk factors later in life, according to a study. Investigators found that the development of risk factors including hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol remains high in adults over age 45, even extending up to ages over 75 years. In addition, the development of these risk factors was 25 to 100 percent higher in the black population than in the white population.       continue reading.……..


Michael Greger M.D. · Last Updated on September 2, 2016
Why do we need to lower our cholesterol? Because high levels may raise heart disease risk, the number one cause of death in the U.S.  Higher buildup of cholesterol in our blood appears to be linked to higher atherosclerosis in our coronary arteries. Cholesterol crystallization may be what causes atherosclerotic plaque rupture, the trigger for heart attacks. Regardless of total cholesterol level, LDL (low-density lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol may be a risk factor for heart attacks.
Data suggests that cholesterol levels can never be too low. The average U.S. blood cholesterol level is so high that a large part of the “normal population” is at high risk of coronary heart disease. The safe level for total cholesterol is likely 150 or lower; the optimal LDL level may be 50-70.     continue reading……

Science Based Nutrition, Training and Fitness Resource, By Ed Clements

Medicine ball workout
YOUR SOURCE for cutting-edge, science based information on nutrition, strength and muscle building, sports and fitness improvement and supplementation.
Want To Become Lean And Muscular, And To Improve Your Fitness? Without Endless Gym Training??
Rather than committing hours of your week to fitness training and still be, ing unhappy with how your body looks, I’ll show you how to train hard, with heavy weights, once or twice a week to get you leaner than regular jogging ever made you.
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Water: An Essential Nutrient
The  Function of  Enzymes
Understanding the Hazards of EMR

Smoky dressed aubergines & peppers

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