Monthly Archives: July 2016

Toxaemia – hidden Havoc

Why is every second person in Australia suffering from a chronic or recurring illness? Orthodox medicine tend to look for a germ as the cause of a particular disease (though not always for chronic or degenerative diseases), and where no germ can be found,the cause may be given as unknown.

Natural Health sees a completely different picture. It recognize that almost all illnesses today are diseases of civilisation – which means diseases of lifestyle – the underlying causes of our vast range of health problems, plus premature aging, become perfectly clear.

The basic causes of all illnesses are to be found in everyday living: modern diet, stress,
lack of exercise, pollution in air and water and man-made chemicals are the five key areas.

There is an almost inevitable progression from modern lifestyle to deterioration within the body….to disease. Understanding this enables us to gain control of our physical and mental well being.

For many people, at the top of the list of these lifestyle aspects is the typical modern way
of eating, which is too concentrated, supplying an excess of fat, protein and refined carbohydrates, deficient in fiber, vitamins and minerals. And contains food additives,pesticides and stimulants such as coffee, tea, salt, pepper and alcohol.
(Alcohol depresses the mind but stimulates elimination.)

The inevitable result of this kind of eating is that toxic waste-products of metabolism are formed more rapidly than they can be eliminated by the liver and kidneys and so build up in the body. This condition is referred to in Natural Health as ‘toxaemia’ or ‘acidoses’ – because the wastes tend to be acidic in nature and so tissue fluids become more acidic than they should be.( In conventional medicine the word ‘toxaemia’ is used to relate to specific conditions.

Synthetic chemicals, including air and water pollutants, pesticides, food additives and drugs, are often toxic and contribute to toxaemia.

Lack of exercise means that circulation is sluggish and is not given the regular boost that is needed to flush waste products out of the tissues and to the eliminative organs for detoxification and removal from the body. Poor tone of muscles and organs results from lack of exercise as surely as night follows day.

Stress and inadequate sleep devour vital nerve energy and leave insufficient available for normal activities that include digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of wastes. As a result, waste products build up even more quickly and the toxaemia increases further.

The effects of negative attitudes such as anger, resentment, bitterness, intolerance and greed may be likened to putting grit in the bearings of an engine – our system wears out sooner. In contrast, positive attitudes such as love, kindness, tolerance and generosity oil the bearings for smooth running. Negative attitudes indirectly contribute to toxaemia.

In coping with the demands of everyday living – plus the toxins – overworked organs and tissues become exhausted or, more correctly enervated ( depleted in nerve energy ) Enervation diminishes elimination, which further increases the toxaemia, so a vicious circle is created. The combination of toxaemia and enervation is the basic cause underlying most diseases. There are no doubt other specific causes, but the toxaemia that is just about dominant in Western society is almost always a prerequisite.

Health & Nutrition #73 by Nutrobalance


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Medical Errors now 3rd leading cause  of death in the USA

May 4, 2016
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) third leading cause of death — respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year.  read more.….
Exercise Preserves Brain Function
People who exercise into later life are smarter than those who do not exercise. To prove that exercise preserves brain function, studies must show that the loss of brain function with aging is not just genetic. Identical twins have exactly the same genes, so a study on twins can yield stronger results to show which environmental factors help to prevent loss of brain function. A new study from King’s College in London showed that of 162 healthy pairs of twins, ages 43 to 73, the ones with the strongest legs were the smartest (Gerontology, Nov 10, 2015). read more…..
Healthy Eating Over 60

Your body changes as you get older, but a balanced diet will help you stay healthy. Here’s what to eat and how to keep healthy as you get older.


Whatever your age, it’s important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. This means you should try to eat:

  • plenty of fruit and vegetables – aim for at least five portions of a variety of fruit and veg a day
  • some bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods – choose wholegrain varieties if you can
  • some milk and dairy foods
  • some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein – try to eat at least two portions of fish a week, including a portion of oily fish
  • just a small amount of foods and drinks that are high in fat or sugar.


Science Based Nutrition, Training and Fitness Resources by Ed Clements

Medicine ball workout

YOUR SOURCE for cutting-edge, science based information on nutrition, strength and muscle building, sports and fitness improvement and supplementation.

Want To Become Lean And Muscular, And To Improve Your Fitness? Without Endless Gym Training??

Rather than committing hours of your week to fitness training and still be, ing unhappy with how your body looks, I’ll show you how to train hard, with heavy weights, once or twice a week to get you leaner than regular jogging ever made you.

Recipe of the Day – Broccoli Salad


With smoky bacon, tomatoes and chives  click here!

 More Health & Nutrition from Nutrobalance
Facts about Fats
Facts about Fat Storage
Activity makes You feel Great!