Monthly Archives: July 2015

Health & Nutrition #26 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   Edition #26
Get balanced, get blissed
A wholistic approach to health & healing


Having lost my mom to cancer at the early age of 54, as well as losing twin girls, my job and my marriage, I suddenly woke up to the fact that I needed to find a different approach to life. I had hit rock bottom, and I needed to dig my way back out. I needed solutions—and fast. read it all …..

Deficiency Diseases

In today’s world we don’t see a lot of full-blown deficiency diseases.
Although deficiency diseases are rare in developed countries, they may still occur.

However, we do see sub-clinical or low-level deficiency diseases.
People with digestive disorders may not get all the nutrients they need.
People who abuse alcohol are particularly prone to deficiency diseases, as are those
who live in poverty. They regularly occur in many parts of the developing countries.
read it all….

USANA’s Probiotic features a unique 50/50 mixture of Bifidobacterium, BB-12® and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, LGG®. These probiotic bacteria strains help to maintain
a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, commonly known as the gut flora.
Take USANA Probiotic alone or add one serving of the mildly sweet, powdered formulation to NutrimealTM, FibergyTM, cold beverages or foods every one or two days!

Why Nutrition is Important
Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and well being. Food provides our bodies with the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. We need a wide variety of different foods to provide the right amounts of nutrients for good health.May 19, 2014
Recipe of the Day – The best fish baps
Posted on
The best fish baps with mushy peas & tartare sauce
My super-quick twist on the fish finger buttie
 More Health & Nutrition by Nutrobalance

You can Gain Muscle by Vince DelMonte
Weight loss Programs by Vince DelMonte
Best Foods for Fat Burning

Best Foods for Fat Burning

I couldn’t be any simpler with my nutrition recommendations for fat burning. You will get have the most energy and the best body and fitness level possible if you eat whole, natural foods. I always ask Dr. Chris Mohr, author of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines if I ever need help with nutrition information.

You must avoid processed foods, which is pretty much anything in a bag or a box. So cut out muffins, donuts, pre-packaged cereals, white bread, pasta, chips, crackers, cookies, etc.

We need to return to a time of simpler eating, focusing on fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It will take some “bad habit breaking” to rid yourself of your addiction to processed foods, but in your journey you will learn to appreciate the taste
of REAL food again.

You don’t have to eat meat to lose fat and build muscle, but it’s not unhealthy to eat beef, chicken, and fish. In fact, fish contains essential fatty acids we can’t do without.

You might have heard about the importance of healthy fats, which is a big turn-around from the low-fat mentality of the 80’s and 90’s. We now know eating fish and nuts won’t make us fat, but will in fact make us healthy and help control our appetite.

So just focus on foods that haven’t been processed, and you’ll start to see changes in your body and energy levels in a matter of days. Get rid of the processed foods and you won’t be tired anymore!

I strongly believe nutrition is the MOST important factor in fat loss and in health. If you’re eating processed foods, trans-fats, and too many calories, you won’t get maximum benefits from your exercise program, no matter what you are doing. Nutrition can either heal you or kill you, so choose wisely. Fortunately, the right choices are the simple choices.

I’ve had clients that switched to whole, natural foods and almost overnight they’ve reported changes in their bodies and huge increases in mental energy. So stick with the simple nutrition approach for fat burning.

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

Weight loss Programs

If you’re currently on the search for weight loss programs, you’ll need to consider a variety of things. All weight loss programs are not created equally; some will have a much higher rate of success than others.

Knowing exactly what to look for when searching for weight loss exercise programs will help enable you to make a decision that will get you the results you’re looking for.

First, if you’re like many people, you probably want a free weight loss program. The thing to keep in mind though is that these are free for a reason. They are targeted towards the general public and as such, give such broad suggestions that while it may work for one person, it will not work for you. For example, if you are a 200 pound man and the free weight loss programs you are finding are more geared towards a 140 pound woman; you can see why this would obviously be problematic.

The first thing to ask yourself when you see a weight loss diet program is how personalized is it. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “General programs produce general results,” which is very true. The more personalized and targeted the solution is to your individual situation, the higher your chance of consistent weight loss.

Next, ask whether it allows for enough calories to keep you from completely starving. While it may be tempting to try a very low calorie approach to get the weight loss process over and done with, usually these end up backfiring on you, leaving you gaining more weight back after you go off them than you had when you first started. Your goal is to burn the fat, not starve the fat and the majority of weight loss programs force your metabolism to shut down which leads to muscle loss – a doubled edged sword contributing to greater fat storage on your body.

Another component that you’ll want to factor in is exercise. A good weight loss exercise program will combine both cardiovascular training along with weight training. Those weight loss exercise programs that have you doing hours of cardio on end are not going to be all that beneficial at retaining your lean muscle tissue mass, nor time efficiency. Since, your lean muscle tissue is what keeps your metabolism the highest; it’s what you really want to focus on the most. Neglecting this aspect of your workout is a huge mistake and does not maximize the 24 hours in a day you have to burn fat.

Finally, keep in mind that any weight loss program you go on you should be maintainable in the long run. A program that you’re only able to maintain in the very short term is likely to not be overly beneficial as if lifestyle changes are not made with regards to how you’re eating; chances are that the weight will be back at some point in the near future. Your ultimate goal is a lifestyle change, not a temporary change.

So, if you want to get on a weight loss program that works, be sure to check out Your Six-Pack Quest. As you’ll discover when you sign up for this plan you’ll get 9 balanced meal plans, 84 days each, ranging from 1200 to 2800 calories. You have literally zero guess work because these plans include grocery lists, a wide variety of meals, tasty meals, and exact times to eat. Follow the plans to the letter and you’ll have a ripped and sexy six pack 6 months tops.

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at

He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals how to lose weight without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.

You can Gain Muscle

There are two common fitness goals – to gain muscle mass and to lose body fat.
Unfortunately, for the most part, the two goals are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Building muscle mass is going to require you to take in a surplus of calories because, well, let’s face it, you can’t build muscle out of nothing (unless of course you have some chemical help going on).

Losing fat mass on the other hand is going to require you to be in a negative calorie balance because that is what will get your body burning off additional body fat as fuel for its tissues.

Striving to accomplish both goals at the same time is rarely a good approach because more than likely you will just end up spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.

Most weight lifters will have to accept some fat gain when they are looking to gain weight, however how much fat gain they need to add is question. It is this variable that we are hoping to influence.

Can you really gain weight without getting fat?
When adding muscle mass there are two approaches you can take.
Some take the approach of just eating as much food as they can possible cram into themselves. Their life suddenly becomes one long 24-hour buffet in their quest for muscle mass as they are under the thinking that the more food that goes in, the more muscle synthesis that will go on.

This thinking is heavily flawed. The body can only assimilate so much muscle tissue at once and after it has done so, any remaining calories are simply going to be stored as body fat. Plain and simple. You my friend, are no exception to the rule.

For those guys who are out there taking in five thousand or more calories per day, this is obviously going to be way more than they need and will result in a considerable amount of unwanted fat weight over a period of three to six months (how long most people will ‘bulk’ for).

The second option is to adopt a more moderate approach and only eat so many additional calories to support this muscle growth and that’s it. This will allow you to hopefully get as much lean tissue gained as possible without the accumulation of a monstrous rise in body fat.

So that leads us to the next question you’re probably wondering. How much muscle can you build? How many calories over maintenance should you be eating?

You’ve probably already heard of the guy who claims he’s added 20 pounds of muscle in the short time frame of six weeks.  While this may be a very rare occurrence among an individual who is brand new to weight lifting, has insanely good genetics and utilized an excellent training and nutritional program, the fact of the matter is that most guys are simply not going to be able to come even close to adding this much muscle tissue.

A natural trained individual can hope to achieve about half a pound to one pound of muscle per week – if he’s doing everything correctly.  If he doesn’t have the greatest genetics or isn’t feeding himself optimally, this will decrease even further.
So as you can see, at a measly two to four pounds of muscle growth per month,
you aren’t going to be needed to eat insanely high calorie intakes.

The higher your intake is, the more you risk putting on additional body fat.  As a general rule, keep it to about 250 to 500 calories above maintenance in hopes of putting on mostly muscle without too much body fat.  Keep track of your current body fat levels and appearance and if you see that too much of your weight gain is coming on as fat mass, reduce your calorie intake slightly.

It is always best to go by REAL WORLD results since you are in the real world after all. You can read as much as you like as to how many calories you should be eating, but this does not mean that’s going to be the exact number that will produce results.  Different people have different metabolisms that will respond to an increase in calories in various ways.
So as you go about your bulk, adjust according to the results you are getting.

Remember that the more patient you are with your muscle gains and the slower you go, the more time you can spend adding muscle mass and the less time you have to spend dieting off the additional fat you gained – which as I’m sure many of you already know, is not a pleasant experience.

So next time you decide you are going to do a ‘bulking’ phase, take a slower approach.
Not only are you much more likely to maintain a favorable appearance this way but your mind will thank you as well.  Nothing kills confidence levels faster than seeing all muscle definition go out the window in a matter of weeks, so keep the weight gain under control so you don’t have to deal with this.

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at

He teaches skinny guys how to get big muscles, without supplements, drugs and training less than before.

© 2006-2008, Vince DelMonte Fitness. All rights in all media reserved. You may reprint this article so long as the article and author bio are reprinted intake and all links are made live. This article may never be sold individually or as part of a package.

Deficiency Diseases

In today’s world we don’t see a lot of full-blown deficiency diseases.
Although deficiency diseases are rare in developed countries, they may still occur.

However, we do see sub-clinical or low-level deficiency diseases.
People with digestive disorders may not get all the nutrients they need.
People who abuse alcohol are particularly prone to deficiency diseases, as are those
who live in poverty. They regularly occur in many parts of the developing countries.

You can also have, what’s called localized tissue deficiencies. That means, you might have
enough of a nutrient in your blood, but you might not have enough in specific tissues,
such as your lungs or cervix. This put you at risk for lung cancer and cervical cancer, respectively, and you’d never even know it!

Rickets is a bone softening disease that occurs when the body doesn’t get enough
vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to transport calcium and phosphorous into the bones
to prevent that your bones are getting soft. Vitamin D deficiency is now recognized as an epidemic in the USA.
In children it can cause growth retardation. In adults, it causes a painful bone disease, called  osteomalacia. It also causes muscle weakness, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease and many common cancers.

For most people, 15 minutes of sunshine will provide the Daily Allowance of 400 IU.
The RDA ( Recommended daily allowance ) is 200 IU. But for optimal health, the recommendation is 600 IU. The USANA Health pack contains 500 IU per packet,
with 2 packets per day.

Beriberi is caused by a deficiency of thiamin, a B vitamin that is essential for helping the body utilize energy. Although beriberi is very rare in the USA, bariatric surgery is causing a resurgence of it and the other nutritional deficiencies as well. Beriberi shows up one year after surgery.

Bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) includes a variety of procedures performed on people who have obesity. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with a gastric band or through removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gast … Wikipedia

In 1914, the year when World War 1 began, a terrifying epidemic swept through the South of the USA, causing diarrhea, skin inflammation and in many cases death.More than 100,000 people where struck down, and worst of all, nobody knew what caused it.

It wasn’t until 1937, that scientists understood that pellagra (meaning rough skin) was caused when people didn’t get enough niacin, a B vitamin, in their diet.
Especially in the rural South, where people relied on corn as their main grain, which contain a form of niacin that isn’t available to the body.

To day we’ve all but kissed pellagra goodbye in the USA, thanks to the fortification of flours and cereals, which makes it very easy to get the DV of 20 milligram of niacin.

However, pellagra is still common in parts of the world where people have a lot of corn in their diets. And it can develop after gastrointestinal disease or even from alcoholism.
It can also be a complication of the eating disorder anorexia.

Long before it was understood that certain foods are essential for preventing disease, sailors worldwide often suffered from scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency, causing slow wound healing, bleeding gums, pneumonia and eventually death.

The amazing thing about scurvy is that you can reverse it almost instantly by having several servings of food that are rich in vitamin C. In fact, sailors who where all but depleted of vitamin C where often able to recover in a matter of days after including oranges or lemons in their diets.

Scurvy has been virtually wiped out for centuries, yet today, vitamin C deficiency is cropping up in the most unexpected places. When an Arizona State University researcher tested vitamin C levels in college students, many where just on the sunny side of scurvy.

To get enough vitamin C in your diet, just pour some orange juice. One 6-ounce glass contains 73 milligrams of vitamin C. Other excellent sources include citrus and tropical fruits, broccoli and sweet peppers.

The RDA of vitamin C is 60 mg and the recommended optimal level is 1300 mg.
Although the RDA’s did a good job to eliminate Scurvy and Rickets, consuming the RDA ‘s does not even come close in order to prevent degenerative diseases, which are still on the rise, and our epidemic health stats shows that!

Cholesterol versus Homocysteine

Has your doctor ever recommended a blood test to check your
homocysteine level?
After you have read this article, I guarantee you will wonder why.
Not many people have ever heard of it, yet it is responsible for
ca 15% of all heart attacks and strokes in the world.

Wouldn’t it be worth to know more about this major killer, more so
when you realize that you can correct it by simply taking vitamin B?

The research on homosysteine was done by Dr. Kelmer Mc Cully,
a promising pathologist and researcher, who graduated from the
Harvard Medical School in the mid 1960’s.

Dr. Mc Cullly was in particular interested in studies that involved
the connection of biochemistry with disease.
He earned a strong reputation and became assistant professor
of Pathology at Harvard Medical School.

Dr Mc Cully discovered that children who had a genetic defect
that kept them from breaking down an essential amino acid
called methionine. These children showed a tremendous buildup
of a by-product, called homocysteine.

Dr. Mc Cully looked at two special cases of two under eight years
old boys, who died from a heart attack.
When he examined the boys’ pathology slides, he discovered
that the damage to the arteries was similar to that of an elderly
man, who had severe hardening of the arteries.

This led Dr. Mc Cully to wonder whether mild to moderate
elevations of homocysteine that were present over a lifetime could
be a cause of heart attacks and strokes in the average patient.

Homocysteine is an intermediate byproduct  that we produce
when our bodies breakdown the amino acid called methionine.
It is found in large quantities in meat, eggs, milk, cheese, white flour,
canned foods and highly processed foods.

Unlike cholesterol, which the body needs for the production of
certain cell parts and hormones, homocysteine provides no
health benefit. The higher the level of homocysteine, the greater
the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Homocysteine is converted by our bodies into either cysteine
or back to methionine again. These products are not harmful,
however, the enzymes to break down homocysteine into
cysteine, need folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.
If we are deficient in these nutrients, the homocysteine levels
in our blood begin to rise.

Dr. Mc Cully’s theory was shut down and he lost his job at
Harvard’s,  because at that time the cholesterol- heart attack
theory was gaining tremendous momentum and Dr Mc Cully’s
hypothesis were a threat to its future.

The cholesterol theory achieved great victory and killed
all other threatening theories.

Drug companies made their fortunes and everybody was
convinced that heart attacks and strokes were associated
with high blood cholesterol levels.  Are you?
If you have read my article about Nutritional Medicine,
you should know better!

Anyway, the medical society and the pharmaceutical
Companies  did an excellent job selling this to the medical
community and to the general public.

How to Choose the Right Vitamins

In every healthfood store and supermarket you can find a range of vitamins, minerals and
other supplements these days and all are claiming to be the best.

How can you distinguish which ones are true-to-label, potent, bio-available, made of the
best forms of the nutrients and right for you?

The average consumer determine by price what the best value is, without understanding the subtitle, yet profound differences between nutritional products.
The majority of multi-vitamins are woefully inadequate.

Effective potency is only the first problem.Different nutrients vary widely in price.
Iron sulfate for example,costs only pennies, whereas pure biotin costs around $6000 per
pound, wholesale. You can understand how this influences formulations.

Different forms of the same nutrient can also vary in a 20-fold price range.
For example, a pill reading: “Vitamin E as mixed tocopherol complex, 400 IU”, can contain
anything from a cheap blend of 50% tocopherols and 50% vegetable oil, to a very
expensive blend of 95% tocopherols and 5% vegetable oil.The only guide you have as a
consumer is the retail price.

But price is not infallible. The only way you can know the truth about many forms of
nutrients is to ask independent experts, government and university scientists.

Author, educator and consultant, Lyle Mac William, a former Canadian Member of Parliament, serving as the behest of Canada’s federal Minister of Health,developed the “Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.

He undertook a review of over 250 U.S. and Canadian nutritional supplements for their
nutrient content. The evidence indicated that the USANA Essentials formulation clearly
surpassed the other evaluated products.

As the demand for copies of the work and requests to investigate additional nutritional
supplements grew, it was clear that there was an earnest need for a comprehensive and
objective comparison of nutritional products; hence, the Comparative Guide to Nutritional
Supplements was born, followed by the Comparative Guide to Children’s Nutritionals.

In developing his comparative guide, Lyle Mac William felt it imperative to provide an
independent standard to which all products – including the USANA Essentials – could be
compared objectively and quantitatively. In this edition he has used the recommendations
of four recognized and published authorities on nutritional supplementation.
The individual daily-intake recommendations of DRs. Michael Colgan, Michael Murray,
Richard Passwater and Ray Strand have been combined to create an independent comparative model.

It provides a comprehensive ans scientifically rigorous evaluation of name-brand
nutritional products, packet with the latest findings from the cutting edge of nutritional
science. For those, interested in optimizing their health by selecting only the best,
this guide is a must.

Foods without Nutritional Value

In Mass- production of food, during the process of ripening, storing, drying, cooking,
freezing, blanching, pasteurization, hydrogenation, ultra-fibration and multiple other
practices of modern food processing, our already degraded foods produced by NPK fertilizers on depleted soils, are further deprived from their essential nutrients.

The latest RDA handbook, the official government handbook stating  the quality of our
food, reviews hundreds of studies, showing that the already degraded crops of today may
lose even what’s left over of nutrients after harvesting, before it reaches your dinner table.

Here follows some examples of the evidence from the RDA handbook:
* Vitamin E: “the tocopherol content of foods varies greatly depending on processing,
storage and preparation procedures during which large losses may occur” (p101).
* Vitamin C: “may be considerably lower because of destruction by heat and oxygen”(p117).
* Vitamin B6: “50-70% is lost in processing meats and 50-90% is lost in milling cereals”(p144).
* Folic acid: “as much as 50% may be destroyed during household preparation, food processing   and storage” (p150).
* Magnesium: “more than 80% is lost by removal of the germ and outer layers of
cereal grains”(p189).

Next time when you eat a slice of bread, realize that the germ and outer layers of grains
are removed in the manufacturing process of all white and so-called “enriched” flours.

You must realize that these facts are not from some scary media report but from the official handbook, Recommended Dietary Allowances, published in November 1989 by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. They are the latest official facts on nutrition.

Here follows some more evidence from authorities in food science to show the nutrient losses by food processing.

Dr. Robert Harris, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry at MIT describes in his “Nutritional
evaluation of Food Processing”, destruction of nutrients in vegetables by modern cold storage.
Stored grapes lose up to 30% of their B vitamins. Tangerins stored for 8 weeks, can lose
almost half their vitamin C. Asparagus stored for a week, loses up to 90% of its vitamin C.

Any time you eat an apple and see the flesh turn brown within a few minutes, it a sign that
the apple has oxidized in storage and has lost most of its vitamins.

Dr. Theodore Labuza, Professor of Food Technology at the University of Minnesota, recently reviewed studies showing up to 90% loss of thiamin in the drying of meats and losses of up to one-third of pyridoxine and pantothenic acid in freeze-drying of fish.

Professor Darryl Lund of the Department of Food Science of the University of Wisconsin,
shows that the process of blanching , commonly applied to vegetables and fish, can destroy one-third to one-half of their content of thianin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and vitamin. C.
Similar large losses of B vitamins and vitamin C occur in the pasteurization and
ultra filtration of milk.

Dr Henry Schroeder, foremost American authority on nutrient content of foods, has proved that freezing of meats can destroy up to 50% of their thiamin and riboflavin content and 70% of their pantothenic acid content.

These are some small examples of the evidence. If you add up all the nutrient losses that
have accrue to our food since the late 1940’s, there is not much left.
First came the degradation of the soils by use of NPK fertilizers, depriving us from the
minerals which are essential to human health. Then came the development of nutrient-poor hybrid strains of grains and vegetables that would grow better on NPK.

Finally the methods of modern food processing have deprived from our food much of its
remaining nutrients. By the time it reaches your table, it is hard to determine the
nutritional value of any food that you put in your mouth.

One more reason, besides our toxic environment of polluted air and water,and the generation of free radicals caused by our stressed lifestyle, causing oxidative stress,
to supplement our diet with first grade nutritional supplements.
There is no better way to find what is proven to be the best supplements on the market,
by visiting:

Health & Nutrition #25 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   Edition #25
Relaxing with the Big Picture
For the past several years, I have been giving more and more thought to the nature of nutrition information and discussion in America. read it all…
A New Natural Cure for Prostate Cancer
It’s a fact: Over 200,000 men in the United States will get prostate cancer this year. And yet, the odds of them surviving it are even worse–the American Cancer Society says that it’s the second leading cause of cancer-related death for men.
But now a new study by researchers from Texas Woman’s University says there may be a new way to stop this deadly condition: Use plant oil. read it all…
Antioxidants – Bodyguards for Your Cells
If you want to know how antioxidants work, picture yourself as the president, a king or queen, a movie star, or another well-known figure.
A threat to your safety could pop up at any time – and that’s why you have a team of bodyguards surrounding you. If a source of danger comes your way,
your bodyguards are trained to swoop in and get between you and this threat.
Your protectors are willing to suffer the consequences themselves, just to keep you from getting hurt.
Every day, the DNA in each cell in your body faces about 10,000 attacks from cell-damaging forces known as free radicals , which are unstable oxygen molecules that have lost an electron.
Free radicals are naturally produced
as your body turns fuel to energy, but you also get them from pollution in air and water, stress, smoking and radiation from the sun.
read it all….
Recipe of the Day – Green Chilli

238_1_1434098814_lrg   click here!

Perfect with tortillas and yoghurt
More Health & Nutrition from Nutrobalance
How to choose the right vitamins
Foods without nutritional value
Cholesterol versus homocysteine

Antioxidants – Bodyguards for your Cells

If you want to know how antioxidants work, picture yourself as the president,
a king or queen, a movie star, or another well-known figure.

A threat to your safety could pop up at any time – and that’s why you have
a team of bodyguards surrounding you. If a source of danger comes your way,
your bodyguards are trained to swoop in and get between you and this threat.
Your protectors are willing to suffer the consequences themselves, just to keep
you from getting hurt.

Every day, the DNA in each cell in your body faces about 10,000 attacks from
cell-damaging forces known as free radicals , which are unstable oxygen
molecules that have lost an electron. Free radicals are naturally produced
as your body turns fuel to energy, but you also get them from pollution in air
and water, stress, smoking and radiation from the sun.

These volatile molecules cruise around your body trying to stabilize themselves
by stealing electrons from other molecules. When they succeed, they create
still more free radicals, causing a sort of snowballing procession of damage.

Free radicals don’t just occasionally pop up here and there. Up to 5% of the
oxygen that each cell uses is converted into free radicals.

Free radical damage is thought to play a role in the accumulation of low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and the lining of your artery walls.
This can lead to a narrowing of the arteries called atherosclerosis, which
contributes to heart disease. And when free radicals damage DNA inside the cells,
the results can be cell mutations that lead to cancer.

Free radical assaults on your eyes may lead to cataracts and macular degeneration,
which are common causes of vision loss in people over 50 years of age.
Researchers think that free-radical damage – also called “oxidative stress” –
play an important role in Alzheimer’s disease. And many scientists believe that
free radicals are the primary force behind aging itself.

Free radicals can develop and quickly attack your cells faster than the blink of an eye.
And unless something is immediately available to “step in,” this free-radical
free-for-all can cause irreparable damage. That’s where antioxidants come in.

Remember that analogy, in which you where a famous person preyed upon
by harmful threats? Those bodyguards forming a human shield around you are
the oxidants in your system. Every time you eat fruits, vegetables, or other
antioxidant-rich foods, a flood of these protective compounds enters your bloodstream.

They travel throughout your body, stepping between your body’s healthy cells and
the pillaging free radicals, offering up their own electrons to neutralize the free radicals
and keep your cells out of harm’s way.

The Big Antioxidant Nutrients
Just as your body produces free radicals, it also produces antioxidants. Some of these are enzymes created solely to squelch free radicals. But these defenders can be overwhelmed if you’re under serious attack – from car exhaust or cigaret smoke, for example – and they may be insufficient to handle rising levels of free radical attacks as you get older.

Every day, a small percentage of free radicals slip past your natural antioxidant defenses,allowing them to do damage.
That’s why you regularly need to call in the reserves to supplement your own forces:
antioxidant compounds from your diet. There are literally hundreds of natural food compounds that act as antioxidants in your body.

Though researchers are investigating new antioxidant compounds every day, most scientific study has focused on three types in particular – vitamin C and E and carotenoids.

There is no doubt that antioxidants play a crucial role in reducing the risk for all kinds of diseases,” says Roc Ordman, PhD, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin. “The published scientific evidence is simply overwhelming.”

There is no better way to protect yourself against free radical damage than to take a multi vitamin from USANA Health Sciences. You can find them by visiting my website: