Monthly Archives: February 2015

Health & Nutrition 7 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 7th edition



This book contains  the amazing story of Eric Storm, Australian Broker.
After almost dying of a heart attack at age 34, Eric Storm changed his life style
to enjoy  another 70 years free from  illness and full of accomplishment,
with the year 2000 being the final turning point of a legendary life  across
three centuries.
Author:  Roger French

“Knowledge about nutrition and maintenance of the immune system is probably
more important than drug therapy and surgery combined ( apart from trauma repair).
Eric Storm’s astonishing example  – replicated by many followers of Natural Health
principles – is testimony of the immense value of such knowledge.

Many in the medical profession are now taking notice  – and not a moment too soon”.
Brian Wilshire, Radio 2GB Sydney.

High-energy breakfast with low-energy dinner helps control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes

Date:February 24, 2015

A small new study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that, in people with type 2 diabetes, those who consume a high energy breakfast and a low energy dinner have better blood sugar control than those who eat a low energy breakfast and a high energy dinner. Thus adjusting diet in this fashion could help optimize metabolic control and prevent complications of type 2 diabetes. Read it all

Glycemic Index Foods at Breakfast Can Control Blood Sugar Throughout the Day

Mar. 30, 2012 — Eating foods at breakfast that have a low glycemic index may help prevent a spike in blood sugar throughout the morning and after the next meal of the day, researchers full story



High-energy breakfast with low-energy dinner helps for Type 2 Diabetes

High-energy breakfast with low-energy dinner helps control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes

Date:February 24, 2015

A small new study published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows that, in people with type 2 diabetes, those who consume a high energy breakfast and a low energy dinner have better blood sugar control than those who eat a low energy breakfast and a high energy dinner. Thus adjusting diet in this fashion could help optimise metabolic control and prevent complications of type 2 diabetes. The authors of the study include Professor Daniela Jakubowicz and Professor Julio Wainstein, Wolfson Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Israel, Professor Bo Ahren, Lund University, Sweden and Professor Oren Froy Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Previous work by this group has shown that high energy breakfast with low energy dinner (the B diet) reduced post-meal blood glucose spikes (post-prandial glycaemia) in obese non-diabetic individuals, when compared with a low energy breakfast and high energy dinner diet (the D diet). This new randomised study included 18 individuals (eight men, 10 women), with type 2 diabetes of less than 10 years duration, an age range 30-70 years, body mass index (BMI) 22-35 kg/m2, and treated with metformin and/or dietary advice (eight patients with diet alone and 10 with diet and metformin). Patients were randomised to either the B diet or the D diet daily for 1 week. The B diet contained 2946 kilojoule (kj) breakfast, 2523 kj lunch, and 858kj dinner. The D diet contained the same total energy but arranged differently: 858 kj breakfast, 2523 kj lunch, and 2946 kj dinner. The larger of the two meals included milk, tuna, a granola bar, scrambled egg, yoghurt and cereal, while the smaller meal contained sliced turkey breast, mozzarella, salad and coffee.

Breakfast was taken at 0800H AM, lunch at 1300H PM, and dinner at 1900H PM. Patients consumed their diets at home for 6 days before the sampling day. On the 7th day (sampling day), each group consumed their assigned meal plan in the clinic, and blood samples were collected just before breakfast (0 min) and at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min after eating commenced. Blood sampling was repeated at the same time points after lunch and dinner. Post-meal levels of glucose were measured in each participant, as well as levels of insulin, c-peptide (a component of insulin), and glucagon-like-peptide 1 hormone (GLP-1 and also known as incretin: an indicator of glucose metaobilsm that stimulates insulin release). Two weeks later, patients were crossed over to the other diet plan, and the tests repeated.

The results showed that post-meal glucose levels were 20% lower and levels of insulin, C-peptide and GLP-1 were 20% higher in participants on the B diet compared with the D diet. Despite the diets containing the same total energy and same calories during lunch, lunch in the B diet resulted in lower blood glucose (by 21-25%) and higher insulin (by 23%) compared with the lunch in the D diet.

“These observations suggest that a change in meal timing influences the overall daily rhythm of post-meal insulin and incretin and results in a substantial reduction in the daily post-meal glucose levels,” says Professor Froy. “A person’s meal timing schedule may be a crucial factor in the improvement of glucose balance and prevention of complications in type 2 diabetes and lends further support to the role of the circadian system in metabolic regulation.”

Professor Jakubowicz adds: “The mechanism of better glucose tolerance after high-energy breakfast than after an identical dinner may be in part the result of clock regulation that triggers higher beta cell responsiveness and insulin secretion in the morning, and both a lower rate of breakdown of insulin by the liver and the increase in insulin-mediated muscle glucose uptake in the morning. Thus, recommending a higher energy load at breakfast, when beta cell responsiveness and insulin-mediated muscle glucose uptake are at optimal levels, seems an adequate strategy to decrease post-meal glucose spikes in patients with type 2 diabetes.”

She concludes: “High energy intake at breakfast is associated with significant reduction in overall post-meal glucose levels in diabetic patients over the entire day. This dietary adjustment may have a therapeutic advantage for the achievement of optimal metabolic control and may have the potential for being preventive for cardiovascular and other complications of type 2 diabetes.”

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Diabetologia. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

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Macro nutrients

Macro nutrients should take up the largest portion of your diet. This category of nutrients includes carbohydrates,protein and fat. Your body uses macro nutrients for energy,growth and repair. Different types of macro nutrients do different things for your body, so it is important to get variety in your daily diet,so that you get the right types of each class of macro nutrient.

CARBOHYDRATES come in two forms:simple and complex.

Simple carbohydrates are sugars that don’t need to be broken down further,so the body can use them for quick boosts of energy. Honey,maple syrup,soda,cookies,candy,table sugar and cakes are all sources of simple sugars,but since they are also high in calories, they should only be eaten occasionally.Instead,it is important to eat healthy sources of simple sugars,like fruit and fat-free or low-fat milk. These alternatives to sugary sweets offer vitamins, minerals and fiber as well.

Complex carbohydrates are larger,digest more slowly and provide longer-lasting energy. Foods like bread,pasta,rice,oatmeal,corn and starchy vegetables (like potatoes and carrots) contain the highest amounts. Sources you should choose most often are vegetables, beans and whole-grain,high-fiber breads and cereals.

The right carbohydrates are either complex carbohydrate or fiber and generally supply additional healthy trace elements and phyto nutrients, as well as energy and should have a low-glycemic index. The glycemic index is a way of measuring the rate at which carbohydrates are broken down and appear in the blood as simple

sugars. Those foods that result in a rapid rise in blood sugar often have a high glycemic index.Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly and cause only a moderate,controlled increase in blood sugar often have a low glycemic index.Some carbohydrates fall in between. High-glycemic foods provides quick energy,but it is usually short-lived and hunger soon returns.This crash stimulates many energy responses in our body chemistry,stressing our organs.Most convenience foods and many meal replacements and diet products on the market to-day are high-glycemic. Low-glycemic foods provide greater satiety and sustained energy. By virtue of their slow digestion and absorption,low-glycemic foods can help control appetite and delay hunger.

PROTEIN A healthy diet includes a variety of high-quality protein sources, including complete proteins,which contain all of the essential amino acids.Protein is what makes up bodily tissues,like the muscles,skin and organs.When you eat food containing protein,your digestive system breaks it down into smaller parts called amino acids.These amino acids are later used by the body to build and repair cells and tissues.

The two main sources of protein are: animal products,like meat,milk, fish and eggs and vegetable products,like beans,nuts,seeds and soy. To make sure you get all the essential amino acids,it’s important to eat a wide variety of these protein-rich foods,such as lean meat, fish,fat-free and low-fat dairy products,eggs,nuts,seeds and beans.

FATS Surprisingly,some fat is good for you! Your body needs it for proper brain development,like omega-3 and omega-6,to bring certain vitamins through the brain barrier.

There are two types of fat:saturated and unsaturated. Beneficial fats are high in essential fatty acids and low in saturated fatty acid.

Unsaturated fat is found in fish,like salmon and tuna,nuts,seeds, avocados and most vegetable oils.Most of the fat that you eat should come from these foods.

Saturated fat may increase your risk of heart disease. It is important to limit the amount you consume.No more than 10% of your total daily calories should be derived from saturated fat. It is found in food that come from animals,like red meat,butter,cheese, milk(except fat-free)and ice cream. Coconut and palm oils are also high in saturated fat and can be found in many store-bought baked foods.

Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits and vegetables and grain products that contain some type of fiber, particularly soluble fiber,have many health benefits. Unfortunately,the normal diet in to-day’s society includes only one-half or two-thirds of the fiber necessary for optimal health. The positive impact of a high-fiber diet is increased when there is a concurrent reduction in the amount of saturated fat consumed.

Trans-fatty acids or trans fat can also raise the risk of heart disease. Trans fat is formed when liquid vegetable oils go through a chemical process called hydrogenation,which makes the oils into solid fat,like shortening and hard margarine.This process increases the shelf life of foods,including the potato chips,cookies and fried food that we consume every day.Trans fat behaves like saturated fat: clogging arteries and increasing LDL-C (bad cholesterol) levels. Trans fat may also reduce HDL (good cholesterol levels). The health risks posed by this dangerous fat have prompted many regulatory agencies to require that food manufacturers lists trans fat amounts on all nutritional labels.So when eating packaged foods, try to pick foods labeled 0g trans fat per serving.

Mineral Deficiencies

Conventional medicine often does not recognize the early stages and symptoms of
a mineral or vitamin deficiency. Neither does it understand the havoc created
in our bodies by these deficiencies and the many ways they contribute to the
destruction of our health and the part deficiencies play in both our common
and most serious disease states. Scientists and physicians alike may wait until
a state is fully developed before they take action.

If we are to understand the importance of proper nutrition and  how devastating
deficiencies can be, we must first understand the differences between functional
mineral deficiency disease and organic deficiency diseases.

A functional disease is a condition whereby one or several organs, or groups of
organs, begin to suffer an impairment of function. For instance, the legs might
not function well, the heart may malfunction, vision may be reduced, or one’s
balance may be less stable tthan it used to be.

On the other hand, an organic disease refers to a definite, specific breakdown
of some kind. For example, a heart arrhythmia would be considered an impairment
of function, or functional disease. A heart attack would be a tissue or organ
breakdown, thus an organic disease. Arthritis, which is aa tissue breakdown,
and diabetes, which is an organ failure, are both organic diseases.

The symptoms between the two disease types are different. If a person has
learned to be aware of his or her body, an evident reduction of energy would
be the body’s signal that a mineral deficiency is making it impossible to
operate at peak levels.

The normal sequence of a mineral deficiency is: the less than adequate intake
of minerals, followed by depression and/or loss of energy, insomnia and/or
anxiety, followed by muscle cramps. Any of these symptoms could indicate
a calcium deficiency.

Next, there will be a measurable lowering of minerals in the blood and extra-
cellular fluid. In order to maintain steady levels of minerals in the fluids,
and thus preserve life, the body robs the bones and tissues of minerals.
Since the cells can no longer perform at peak levels, the above symptoms increase.
At this point, tissues themselves become inflamed, deformed or deranged, and
organic disease is the result.

At first, a calcium deficiency might appear as a functional disease; though
depression may be present, the bones have not yet deteriorated to the point of
osteoporosis. Depression or insomnia, since they inhibit the person’s usual
functions to a certain degree, are classified as functional diseases.
If the deficiency is not halted, osteoporosis will develop and would be
considered an organic disease. Similar progressions may develop with other
mineral deficiences.

Why degraded food degrades you

If you want to obtain optimal health from nutrition, you have to understand first,
how much what you put in your body effects your health.
The human body was designed with lots of care in order to transform a mixture of certain compounds that are found in nature into muscles, bones, organs, glands and our brain. The interactions of these nutrient compounds are the hairy bags of chemical soup what we call human beings.
Every time we mass around with them, they will mass around with you.

People who consume fatty burgers with nutrient poor fries don’t realize how much they
are disturbing the excellent precision of nutrient use by their bodies.
Let’s look at some examples in order to make clear how that precision makes the engine
of a Masserati look like a child’s toy.

Let’s look at a good one: vitamin B12. You need only a few micrograms (millionths of a gram) of vitamin B12 each day: the RDA (Recommended daily Allowance ) is only
2 micrograms. Your blood contains only about 5 nanograms (billionths of a gram) per liter,
less than a speck of dust. Even under a microscope you couldn’t see such amount.
It represents less than one part per trillion of your body weight.
But if you lack that tiny speck , your whole body declines into a serious disease, called
pernicious anemia, which gradually destroys the myelin sheaths, which protect your nerves, leading to blindness, insanity and death.

A second example is iodine. A daily intake of about 50 micrograms is considered to be sufficient for most people. This amount is still so tiny that you could hardly see it on the
head of a pin. Every day your body separates the few molecules of iodine that occur in
different foods with a precision that goes for beyond the most advanced computer and
transport them straight to the thyroid gland. There they convert an enert chemical
called thyronine into powerful thyroid hormones. These hormones then control your
energy supply, your mood and even how well you can think.

The same applies to other micro nutrients. It is still a mystery how such minute amounts
of these substances can hold the keys to health, to sanity and even to life itself.
But they do and if they are deficient in your food, you are asking for disease.

We need a daily dose of a precise mix of 59 nutrients for optimal bodily function
as shown in the following table.

Elements required in large amounts daily:
Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulphur, Nitrogen

Elements required in medium amounts daily:
Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride

Elements required in small amounts daily:
Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Fluoride, Arsenic, Germanium, Zinc, Silicon,
Selenium, Molybdenum, Boron, Copper, Cobalt, Iodine, Nickel, Tin.

Vitamins (common form names):
A (retinol), B3 (niacin, niacinamide), B12 (cobalamin), C (ascorbic acid),
K (phylloquinone), B1 (thiamin), B5 (pantothenic acid), Folic Acid, D (calciferol),
B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyrodoxine), Biotin, E (d-alpha tocopherol).

Co-factors (common form names):
Choline, Para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA), Pyroloquinoline quinone (PQQ),
Inositol, Bioflavonoides, Co-enzyme Q10

Essential amino acids:
Isoleucine, Methionine, Tryptophan, *istidine, Leucine, Phenylalanine,
Valine, Taurine, Lysine, Threonine, *Aginine,
* Conditionally essential

Essential fatty acids:
Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid
From some you need a lot, others you need only tiny amounts. But they all have to
be provided in the correct amounts. The first five, which you need in large quantities,
are plentiful present in foods and in the air we breath, so supply is not often a problem.

The remaining 54 nutrients we need in medium or small quantities and are less readily
available in the environment. More important, they may be deficient or entirely absent
in any of the degraded foods, which we now find in most of our food supply.

We know that 13 vitamins, 22 minerals, 6 co-factors, 8 amino acids ( plus 3 more in certain
circumstances) and 2 essential fatty acids are required for optimal bodily function.

All these essential substances interact with each other in precise synergy to produce, maintain and renew your body. IF one is missing or in short supply, the functions of
all the others are impaired.

Although the essentiality of co-factors is still controversial, they are included, because
recent evidence all points in that direction. The meaning of the word ” essential”
in science means:
(a) The nutrients have to be present in adequate amounts or function is impaired.
(b) The body can’t make the nutrients or can’t make enough of them for normal                          tissue function.
(c) You have to get them from your diet.

If you can’t get them from your diet, you have to supplement them from a high quality source. These are the facts on nutrition.



Take Charge of Your Health

The connection between good nutrition and long term health is beyond dispute and backed by a wealth of scientific evidence.
What you  eat and how you eat effects your health on the long term.

Our diet fails in supplying the essential nutrients we need for optimum health.
We have put good nutrition on the back burner and as a result our diet fails in
supplying even the minimum levels of nutrients that we need for long term health.
Only 9 % of people consume the five daily servings of fresh fruit and vegetables
as recommended by the National Cancer Institute.

Until the 1940’s,farmers used to practice “crop rotation” and returned essential
nutrients back into the soil by mulching,manuring and churning.
Because of growing population it was no longer possible to grow crops this way.
So the farmer use large farms and make use of artificial fertilizers.
But crops can’t make their natural insect repellents with artificial fertilizers.
So the farmer has to use chemical pesticides,which are sprayed on the crop and fruits.
But when we consume those fruits and veges,the chemical pesticides accumulates
in our body and causes disease.

Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies,which cannot
be remedied until the depleted soils from which our food come,are brought into proper
miniral balance. The alarming fact is,that fruits and vegetables now being raised on
millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals, are starving
us,no matter how much we eat. In other words,we can’t get the necessary nutrients
out of our food.

In 2006, 90% of the Australian population died of a degenerative disease,like cancer,
stroke,diabetes,heart disease,Alzheimer disease etc.
Over 70% of Australian male  adults are overweight or obese .
We are not even getting the minimum of RDA levels of vitamins, minerals and anti-
oxidants. The RDA levels were designed in the early 1920’s and 1930’s as minimum
requirements of TEN essential nutrients to protect against acute deficiency diseases,
like Scurvy (deficiency of vit.C), Rickets (deficiency of vit.D) and Pellagra (deficiency
of niacin).

The RDA’s did a good job to eliminate Scurvy and Rickets, but consuming the RDA’s
will not even come close to helping prevent a degenerative disease and our EPIDEMIC
health stats prove that.
To protect us against degenerative diseases we need OPTIMUM levels of nutrients.

Just to make a comparison between the RDA levels and Optimum Levels:
The RDA level for vit.C is 60mg.However,the optimum level is 1300mg.
The RDA level for vit.E is 15 IU’s.But the optimum level is 450 IU’s.
The RDA level for vit.D is 200 IU’s, but the Optimum Level is 600 IU’s.
(IU stands for International Unit).

To be able to get the Optimum Level of vit.C (1300mg) out of our food,we have to
consume 17 medium kiwifruits or 16 medium oranges daily, which is unpractical.
Can you even come close to consuming any of them on a daily basis?

So, what’s the solution? We have three choices:
1.Do nothing and pay the price.
2.Become an old fashion farmer.
3.Take a 1st. grade supplement.

It’s been scientifically proven that there are substantial health benefits in taking
nutritional supplements. The benefits of nutritional supplements are scientifically
verified over the past two years. Hundreds of scientific studies have proved that
nutritional supplements can significantly reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.

Supplements provide a convenient and effective means of achieving good nutrition
every day for a lifetime.
Chronic degenerative diseases are not diseases of old age. Heart disease starts at
childhood. It appears prudent for all children and adults to take vitamin supplements.

Never before has the need for supplementation been greater than in our present time.

The Key to Fitness

The key to fitness is nutrition, we are mainly what we eat.
It is true that exercise, restful sleep, peace of mind, regular habits of elimination, bathing, etc., are all factors in keeping fit, but these will avail nothing if our nutrition is at fault.

It is now recognized that most common illnesses are closely associated with nutrition
and arise from lack of vitamins and minerals, just as some more serious ailments,  such as
scurvy, rickets, anaemia, beri-beri, pellagra and nerve troubles are equally deficiency
ailments and respond to appropriate vitamin therapy.

Periodically, new and successful uses of vitamins in  diseased conditions are reported
in the world’s medical journals and more and more physicians are prescribing vitamins,
where some 50 years ago they prescribed drugs.

Many people wonder why the terrible epidemics which formerly ravaged the earth –
typhus, yellow fever, typhoid, cholera, malaria, bubonic plague, etc – have largely
been brought under control, yet the degenerative diseases, such as heart ailments,
high blood-pressure, hardening of the arteries, stomach ulcers, nervous breakdowns,
colitis, cataract, and kidney and liver ailments are all on the increase.

The reason is that the plague or ‘dirt’ diseases, spread by vermin, mosquitoes and
human contact are disappearing owing to improved methods of hygiene and sanitation.
The degenerative diseases arise primarily from man’s continual tampering with
natural foods, thereby depriving them of vital nutrients that Nature, in her wisdom,
incorporates in our foodstuffs to ensure good health.

It is a tragic fact that most people these days only begin to take an intelligent interest
in their health, after they have lost it.
Nature requires that we co-operate with her, and we cannot escape the consequences
of our refusal to do so.

Health & Nutrition 6 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 6th edition
Food Combining Chart       

The Food Combining Chart  is designed to provide a guide to the way  the different main food groups suit one another at the same meal time.
The chart is based on a variety of reasons for food comparability, especially regarding
the ability to the human digestive system to cater for the proper breakdown of foods
via the action of digestive enzymes.

It is important to note that the fruit groups require the least digestive time and should
not be eaten directly after a meal of protein or complex grains, legumes, nuts or seeds.

For detailed information on the reasons and benefits of proper food-combining,

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More Health & Nutrition from Nutrobalance

The Key to Fitness
Nutrition as Medicine
Take Charge of Your Health


Nutrition as Medicine

There has been a remarkable change in medical attitudes towards
nutrition. For the first time in history, on august 19th, 1992 the ultra-
conservative Journal of the American Medical Association recommend
vitamin supplements to prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease.

The highly respected New England Journal of Medicine followed in
May 1993 by publishing two large population studies, involving
130,000 health workers, showing that high doses of vitamin E significantly
reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in men and women.
The researchers showed that it was almost impossible to get sufficient
vitamin  E from our food and made a clear recommendation for vitamin E
supplements, with the agreement of the Journal’s conservative editors.
They boosted the recommendation with a special editorial by
Dr Daniel Steinberg of the University of California, in which he reviewed
the lack of toxicity of vitamin E.

Then the scholarly journal, Nutrition Reviews, the bible of nutrition science
used by researchers themselves, showed that it is impossible to get
sufficient vitamins from our degraded food supply and criticized the FDA
for not allowing companies to tell the public how vitamins prevent cancer.

The New England Journal of Medicine concurred with a large study of
89,000 female nurses, followed for 8 years.
The research showed that nurses who took 30% more vitamin A than
the RDA, had significantly less risk of breast cancer.

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study by
Dr. Charles Butterworth of the University of Alabama School of Medicine.
The study showed clearly that women with insufficient intake of the
B vitamin folate, had no resistance to the papilloma virus that causes
cervival cancer.
Folate deficiency, very common in America, was shown to be a worse
risk for cervival cancer than smoking.

These are some samples of the hundreds of  reports in mainstream medical journals showing that decent nutrition, including vitamin and mineral supplementation is a major force in preventing a wide range of degenerative diseases, including cancers, cardiovascular
diseases, adult-onset diabetes and many liver, kidney, skin, eye and
other organ disorders. Read the medical references and be convinced
to take care of your nutrition for life.

There are also negative reports about vitamins. They get unfair media
coverage, because the powerful pharmaceutical advertisers don’t like
media that support non-patentable vitamins to prevent illness as they
rely on a growing number of people who become dependent on
patented prescription drugs.

Media are being cleverly manipulated to misinterpret a study appearing
in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This study, sponsored by the US National Cancer Institute examined
the effects of beta-carotene and vitamin E on 29,000 smokers, aged 50
and above over a period of 3 to 5 years.
The reports of researchers showed no evidence of a decrease in
lung cancer risk.

The widely quoted comments about this study by Dr. Gilbert Omenn,
Dean of Public Health of the University of Washington, are particularly
disturbing. Hopefully, Dr. Omenn was misquoted when he stated that
the study applies to healthy people, “because smokers are getting
the same diseases as the rest of us.”

The study has no application whatsoever to healthy people and little
application even to smokers.
Study subjects were all long-term heavy smokers, averaged 57.2
years old, smoking  20 cigarets per day for 35 years on average.

Most cancers grow slowly for many years, before any symptoms appear.The disease processes caused by smoking were already
well advanced in these men before the study began.
To give them a small dose  of vitamins and expect a cure is not sensible.
It’s like taking aspirin to cure a rotting tooth, by comparison.

The media reports fail to publish the amounts of vitamins used.
The 50mg of synthetic dl-alpha tocopherol acetate per day in the study
(50 IU), is a tiny amount and the poor synthetic form to boot.
By comparison,a bowl of wheatgerm cereal contains about 20 IU of
vitamin E.

A recent review of all the major studies in the conservative Journal of
the American Dietetic Association recommended 200 – 800 IU of
vitamin E per day for health protection. And that applies to non-smokers.

Similarly, the 20 mg of beta-carotene (33,320 IU) per day in the study
gives very little protection against the massive disease processes
already at work in subjects who have smoked heavily for many years.
The amount of 20 mg of beta-carotene is the same as in two large carrots.

Smoking is a deadly practice. It is stated on the cigarette packets:
“Smoking Causes Lung Cancer.”
Please note; it does not state: ‘might’ or ‘can’ cause lung cancer,
but it does…..period!!

It is ridiculous to suggest that you can stop this disease process with
a couple of carrots a day.

The National Cancer Institute, a two billion dollar institution, does not
want its power and income being eroded by cancer prevention strategies
that the public can use by themselves.

If you don’t believe me, check out the activities of the N C I by getting
“The Politics of Cancer” by Samuel Epstein, Professor of Medicine
at the University of Illinois. Dr. Epstein shows clearly how ineffective
our cancer health authorities really are today!.


Antioxidant Protection

Oxidation in our body is the main cause of many forms of cancer, heart disease,
atherosclerosis, adult-onset diabetes, cataracts, lung – and liver disorders and
degenerative diseases of the brain and can be prevented and even reversed,
by the proper use of the right antioxidants.

These are:
Nutrient Daily Amount
N-Acetyl cysteine 50 – 350 mg
L-Glutathione 100 – 200 mg
Vitamin-A 5.000 – 10.000 IU
Beta Carotene 4.5 mg
Vitamin-C as:
ascorbic acid 2.000 – 10.000 mg
calcium ascurbate 1.000 – 1.500 mg
magnesium ascurbate 250 – 500 mg
ascorbyl palmitate 250 – 500 mg
Vitamin-E as:
tocopherol complex 500 – 660 mg
d-alpha tocopheryl succinate 400 – 1200 IU
zinc picolinate 10 – 60 mg
Selinium as:
selenomethionine 200 – 400 mcg
sodium selenite 100 – 200 mcg
Co – Enzyme Q10 60 – 100 mg

The major antioxidants and their co-factors listed here are used in laboratories
to successfully inhibit a wide variety of diseases and improved the vitality of people
already in excellent health.

Coenzyne Q10 is used successfully to treat various oxidation conditions and is
prescribed in Japan against heart disease.
L-glutathione is the only anti-oxidant you can use as an oral supplement.
Our body makes L-glutathione, but when we age, it is not enough to inhibit
particular types of oxidation.

The figures for daily amounts are averages, extracted from more than 500
successful studies, guided by the antioxidant use of athletes, which is effective
and without toxic.

Long term use of antioxidant supplements is still an experiment and the safety
of amounts shown here has not been confirmed. We would recommend to use
not more than the lower figures for average people.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, cancer is still on
the rise. Dr Deva Davis and her colleagues confirmed that cancer increase is
presumably the result from exposure to carcinogens in our environment,
including pesticides, herbicides, chemical solvents, smoking and industrial
and auto emissions.

Smoking is the worst out of those mentioned. The damage is done mainly
by oxidation and in combination with other air pollutants, it is the cause of
33% of all cancers. Overweight follows as the next big cancer risk with 24%.

The American Cancer Society began a massive study in 1959, involving
more than one million people in 25 American States, which ended in 1980.
The results showed that people who are 40% or more overweight have
higher rates of a wide variety of cancers.

Many of these cancers are caused by lipid oxidation, that means excess
fat molecules in your body go rancid and initiate cell damage, that develops
into cancer.

For the average person, pesticides seems a bigger cancer threat than overweight.
Cancer risk from too much body fat is much higher than all the pesticides together.