Health & Nutrition #61 by Nutrobalance

??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????    Edition #61

Yoga improves quality of life in patients with
atrial fibrillation

Heart rate, blood pressure also decreased in patients
who did yoga

March 14, 2016
European Society of Cardiology
Yoga improves quality of life in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, according to research. Heart rate and blood pressure also decreased in patients who did yoga.  read it all.

Diet Matters: Clarifying the Link Between Breast Cancer and Eating Patterns

It was June 1982. At a news conference in Washington, a group of internationally recognized scientists had just finished announcing the National Research Council’s report on diet, nutrition, and cancer[1]. The report received extensive news coverage, lots of criticism from the industry most affected by the report’s conclusion and – according to some authorities-the highest number of requests for a report ever released by the august National Academy of Sciences (NAS), our sponsor. continue reading…..

How to gain muscle mass, burn stubborn body fat and make overall body composition improvements

I explain how to properly train on the major compound exercises such as the squat, dead-lift and bench-press and cover why training hard, once or twice a week on these exercises makes losing fat easy whilst maintaining or even building muscle mass.  read it all.….

Jamie Oliver’s Recipe of  the Day –
Asian Crispy Beef  click here!!