How to Protect against Cancer

1) Choose a balanced diet, consisting of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables ,(green, yellow and red), approximately three- quarters of total food intake by weight, preferable organically grown, if possible. Include cruciferous vegetables (cabbage) , carrots, tomatoes and garlic.

2) Avoid the consumption of deep-fried food and overcooked food, saturated fat and transfat.

3) Don’t overeat, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”

4) Choose unprocessed food, low in fat, preferably from plants and avoid animal fats and hydrogenated oils, including margarine. Use fresh flaxeed oil or fish oil for omega-3 fatty acids.

5) Eat adequate protein from plant sources and fibre from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, legumes, seeds, oat bran and rice bran.

6) Avoid toxic synthetic chemicals as much as possible, particularly pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Drink filtered water, preferably reverse osmosis, to avoid chlorine and heavy metals.

7) Increase intake of natural minerals and vitamins from the juices of green, yellow and red vegetables.Supplement your diet with high quality multiminerals and antioxidants, particularly carotenoids, zinc and selenium and folic acid (vitamin B9).

Consume low glycemic food with a low glycemic load and keep calorie intake low overall.

9)Minimize intake of caffeine, alcohol, white sugar, white flour, table salt ( use sea salt instead), cured meats and smoked foods.

10) Keep clear of radiation. Research shows that nearly three- quarters of the energy from the antenna of a mobile phone is absorbed by the head. This radiation is the same kind of energy from microwave ovens and is sought to create hot spots in the brain.

It’s a well known fact that x-rays are causing cancer, even diagnostic use. An Australian radiologist estimated that about 270 Australians die each year from cancer, caused by such tests. Also the electromagnetic radiation from powerlines and household appliances may contribute slightly carcinogenic effects.

11) Exercise regularly, at least three times per week for half an hour, for example brisk walking, can make the necessary difference to an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

12) Find ways to cope with stress, for example by practising meditation, yoga, and seek