Health & Nutrition #40 by Nutrobalance

Edition #40    ??NUTROBALANCE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Arthritis and Joint Pain

Learn how to live without this debilitating disease!

People in non-western cultures who eat diets low in animal fat and protein have much lower incidences of all types of arthritis!

While most arthritis sufferers are being told that they will need to “learn to live with it,” Drs. Goldhamer and Marano of the TrueNorth Health Center in Penngrove, California, are helping patients learn to live without it.  continue reading

LOHAS Background

Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) describes an estimated $290 billion U.S. marketplace for goods and services focused on health, the environment, social justice, personal development and sustainable living. The consumers attracted to this market represent a sizable group in this country. Approximately 13-19% percent of the adults in the U.S. are currently considered LOHAS Consumers. This is based on surveys of the U.S. adult population estimated at 215 million.

Research shows that one in four adult Americans is part of this group—nearly 41 million people. These consumers are the future of your business and also the future of progressive social, environmental and economic change in this country. But their power as a consumer market remains virtually untapped.

For more information on penetrating the LOHAS market visit the LOHAS Group page. good

This Fruit could stop Memory Loss for Good!

Afraid of losing your memory? Turns out there’s a new way to prevent a type of memory loss associated with dementia, according to researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

The solution? Eating a bowl of strawberries.

The findings, which were published in the journal Aging Cell, say that a natural chemical found in strawberries, called fisetin, was shown to reduce memory impairments in mice as their brains aged–and therefore reducing the side effects of Alzheimer’s disease, a type of memory loss disease.   continue reading.

Recipe of the day:   grilled cod with pancetta and pea mash
click here

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The Top 20 Food Rules You NEED to Know to be Truly Lean & Healthy
Boost Your Immune System
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